Chapter 10

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Serena's POV

I slowly began to wake up to the a sound that I am unfamiliar with. It sounded like someone was sucking up some spaghetti or something along those lines. My train of thought was interrupted by a familiar male voice.

"Ssssshhhh Pikachu, Serena is still sleeping." I hear Ash's voice say causing me to remember that I asked him to stay.

By now I was full awake and began to sit up when I noticed Ash with Pikachu on his lap slurping a ketchup bottle? 'Well that explains the unfamiliar noise I heard.' I say to myself while letting out a small giggle.

"Oh, Serena! Ummm... sorry if Pikachu woke you." He apologises while rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment.

"I-it's ok." I say shyly, still not use to talking to anyone besides my own mother, let alone a boy.

"So Serena, how are you feeling?" Ash asks while patting Pikachu's head causing him to look up from his ketchup bottle to his trainer.

"B-better... t-thanks t-to y-you..." I answer while hiding my face in embarrassment from what I just said. But it was true though, without Ash I probably would have been beaten a lot harder and have been left there for Arceus knows how long!

"That's great, sorry again about Pikachu he just really likes ketchup." He says looking down at Pikachu who just gives a simple nob in agreement while licking the rest of the ketchup off his hands.

"It's ok." I say surprisingly without shuttering. 'I guess I am getting better at talking to him.' I come to the conclusion for why I didn't shutter.

"Hey, Serena?" I hear as say snapping me out of my thoughts as I look back up at him and look deep into his chocolate coloured eyes that showed concern.

"Why were those people hurting you?" Ash asks with concern in his voice. My mind begins to wonder back to all the things they said to me and it hurt it hurt more than usual for some reason and I didn't know why? I began to feel tears form into my eyes I tried to hold them back not wanting to cry in front of Ash but I couldn't hold it back.

"Serena. It's ok. You don't need to talk about it if you don't want to. Not if it's gonna make you cry." Ash says walking over to me and sitting down next to me.

I immediately put my head into Ash's chest and let my tears run down my cheek. Ash flinches at first but then I soon feel his arm wrap me into a comforting hug as the feeling of safety and his warmth come back to me like back when he was carrying me back to my house.

"It's ok Serena, I'm right here, just let it all out." He says in a soothing voice as I feel my tears start rushing down faster just as in encouraged I do.

My crying starts to become louder and as the tears start falling faster into Ash's shirt which by not was covered with my tears. I soon felt Ash start rubbing in a circular motion with his hands on my back and his head leading on top of mine.

"It's ok Serena, it's ok." He says softly. His voice and comfort begins to take effect. I feel myself calming down. My cries begin to go quiet, my tears begin to fall less often and my sniffing has almost disappeared much to my surprise.

'How? How does Ash drive away my sadness like this? Usually I would cry by myself for hours but this time I only cried for a matter of minuets.' I think to myself while I feel Ash withdraw from the comforting hug which I was quiet disappointed about, but he repositioned his hands onto both of my shoulders.

"I'm sorry for making you cry Serena, I should have know you wouldn't have been able to talk about that topic without putting you through the pain of those memories." He apologised which made me sad because he was blaming himself, saying he was the cause for making me cry.

"I-it's not y-your fault Ash." I quickly say softly trying to stop him blaming himself.

"T-the reason t-they hurt m-me was because-" I began to say before being cut off.

"Serena you don't need to tell me, not if you don't want to." He says making sure that I was comfortable with tell him.

"I-I want to..." I answer while he releases his hands from my shoulder giving me some room so that I can begin the explanation.

"I-it's because I d-didn't do what t-they told me t-to d-do." I say with more tears forming in my eyes but I was able to hold them back.

"What did they want you to do?" Ash asked tilting his head in curiosity.

"T-they... w-wanted me t-to... KILL MYSELF." I say launching myself back into Ash's arms wanting his comfort as tears began streaming back down my face again. Ash didn't say anything. He just put one hand behind my head while the other was around my waist bring me closer to him for comfort allowing my sorrow and sadness to let loose while he comforted me.

I continued to cry for a couple of minuets until all my tears had fully disappeared and all that was left was Ash's warmth and comfort that made me feel safe.

Ash finally decided to pull out of the hug and just stared at me with complete sympathy in his eyes. We continued to stare into each others eyes until Ash brock eye contact.

"Well... If you ask me, I'm glad that you didn't listen to them." He said giving me a heart warming smile.

"R-really? W-why? I'm useless, I'm fat, ugly and... and" I began to say before being pulled into a tight hug from Ash.

"Serena you are none of those things!" He says confidently while I was still blushing from being hugged by him.

"Serena you are nice, polite, honest and... cute." He says. This only made me blush harder at his words, words I was not use to hearing especially if they are directed at me.

"I... am?" I softly say drawing back from his hug still in shock from his words.

"Yes you are." Ash said, answering back while placing one hand on my cheek and slowly moving down to my chin then letting moving it off my face and just game me a smile.

My mind was still in shock as question continued to fill my mind. 'Why does he make me feel this way? Why does he care about me when no one else would even notice my existence unless it was to make fun of me?

"W-why did you h-help m-me?" I manage to ask still looking into his brown eyes.

"Because what they were doing was wrong! And I couldn't let them hurt you. You are my friend and friends stick up for each other." He explains. His words make my heart beat faster and an emotion I hadn't felt in years began to fill me...Happiness. Happy that I helped him, Happy that he stood up for me. Happy that he cared for me. Happy that he call me his friend.


To be honest I cried on the inside while writing this chapter.

I hope you guys enjoyed and see you in the next chapter :)

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