Chapter 20

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Ash's POV

My lips pressed against her soft, strawberry ones causing electricity to flow through my body, but this type of spark was different... it wasn't like the type of electricity that Pikachu uses to zap me. No, what I was feeling now was something I have never felt before and I loved it. 

When I kiss her, it felt time stop and everything around me just seemed to disappear until there was nothing left but me and her.

We continued our kiss until the need for air caused Serena to break the lip contact, but she kept her arms around my neck and her head only inches away from mine as I felt her breath heavily and when I opened my eyes I noticed her lips slightly shaking.

'This must have been her first kiss.' I think not because she didn't seem to know what to do during the kiss because I didn't either as it was my first kiss on the lips too, but because of how she, despite needing oxygen, still continued to maintain the kiss until her survival instincts forced her to breath.

Serena was still breathing heavily and now her arms are slightly shaking as well as her lips which were still slightly open and seemed frozen in place like if they moved even the slightest the moment would be ruined.

I looked deep into Serena's beautiful, ocean blue eyes while giving her a smile which I doubt she could see as she stares back into my eyes which seemed to be sparkling in happiness at what just happened and I bet my eyes were the same.

I finally decided to break eye contact by putting my hand behind her head and into her honey blonde hair, bringing her closer to me as I place a soft kiss on her forehead.

"I-I love you Serena." I manage to say, causing her to immediately pull her head so that our eyes meet again. I was a bit worried because she seemed to have a look of shock on her face which was causing me to think that she didn't feel the same.

"A-Ash..." She began to say, as the smile I love so much appears on her face as well as a tint of pink on her cheeks. "I-I love y-you too." She finishes now having nothing but a look of happiness all over her face.

We just continued to stare at each other not making a sound as I guess we were both still a bit shocked at our feeling towards each other.

"Pikachu?" I hear Pikachu's voice followed by the sound of my bedroom door slowly opening.

I turn my attention away from Serena, which I must admit was harder than I thought to do, and looked at Pikachu standing at the door wanting to come in. 'Oh right, since I finally got up I haven't actually said much to Pikachu who was probably worried sick these past couple of days.' I think, knowing why Pikachu had such a concerned look on his face.

 "Come here Pikachu." I say in a playful voice while holding both my arms out towards him, indicating to him to come give me a hug.

"Pika Pi!" Pikachu said with tears beginning to run down his face as he ran on all fours towards me eventually jumping up at me and embracing me in a friendly hug which I didn't hesitate to return.

Pikachu and I hugged happily as I felt his tears begin to fall against my bare chest making me realise that I still had no shirt on.

I pulled Pikachu back and put him on the bed with both hands. As I place him down I hear a small giggle coming from Serena and quickly turn my head towards her to see what she was giggling at.

"What's so funny?" I ask, giving her the same playful voice that I gave Pikachu.

"N-nothing..." She said but I gave her a look to show her that I know that it wasn't nothing. "I-it is just... y-you still have n-no shirt on." She adds while her cheeks begin to go a shade of red.

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