Chapter 42

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Hey all! Who's ready for the next Chappie?! I AM!!!! WWOOOOO!!!
Hehe, Thank you all for your patience I have been having some personal issues but I hope you all enjoy!!


Pikachu's POV

'Wait what?' Are the first words to enter my brain. Not the satisfaction of the bottle of delicious ketchup I was sucking on as my eyes unexpectedly watched as Miette laid her lips upon Ash's.

I don't think I have ever felt so horrified! I DROPED MY KETCHUP BOTTLE!!!!!!

I felt by body freeze up at what I witnessed. I didn't know if I was angry, sad, mad? The emotions were so uncontrollable confusing. But one thing is for certain.

Miette will not be Ash's other half!!! She is a ketchup murder!!!!!


Ash's POV

My body couldn't move. I watched in utter disbelieve. My eyes not able to do anything but stare unwillingly while my brain exploded into a million thoughts all at once. The only part of my body that actually seemed to operate correctly.

A feeling of gentleness and relief seemed to relax my beating and stressing heart as I looked around and for once was glad not to see Serena anywhere.

'Phew' I thought, confirming that Serena hadn't witnessed with heartbroken eyes of the incident that had caught me so far off guard. That the thought of such an event even happening seemed like a fancy in a horror. A nightmare that seem impossible.

My thoughts became centred onto one, relatable and clear topic. Serena. My eyes scanned the dark yet illumined room willed with dancing bodies everywhere. No sight of her. Worry began to wash over me.

'What if she did see? Where is she?' My mind questioned stressfully before my foot hit something on the ground as I try to step forward.

'Ketchup?' I asked myself confusing before the obvious answer made itself clear and my eyes diverted to Pikachu who seemed almost in tears as his watery eyes glanced down at the spilling ketchup that covered the floor.

I don't really know if I felt guilt, sorrow or laughter rising up inside of me. Or maybe a bit of everything. It did appear to be my fault that tears of loss ran down the cheeks of my best buddy. But at the same time his strange and unique love for Ketchup always humoured me.

"Its okay buddy, we can get another one for you." I say picking up a tearing Pikachu and placing him in his usual position on my shoulder as he sniffles his tears and replies in a quiet tone.

"How about we go find Serena? How about that buddy? You know she always has Ketchup on her for you." I try to say happily to cheer him up which seemed to work based on the sudden shine in his eyes as his looked at me for a mere second the leaped off my shoulder and bolted around the dance floor faster then a bolt of lightning as I just stood their shaking my head.

"ASH!!!!!" Gary's loud voice rang in my ears causing me to jump suddenly and unexpectedly in fear.

Letting my stressing heart come to realise what was actually happening instead of thinking it was being attacked.

'I swear its one scare after another.' I roll my eyes at that though feeling the weird eagre to slap Gary for some reason.

"DO NOT TELL ME YOU KISSED BACK!!!" He yelled in urgency, grabbing me by the shoulder and shaking me vigorously giving me no time to even process his words let alone respond to them.

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