Chapter 10 [Edited]

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"Are you sure that you are up to seeing the kids?" Elliot asked from where he stood beside my bed.

"I've missed them, El... I know it might be scary for us all, but I need to see them," I replied quietly. Elliot nodded slowly, his hand reaching out and touching my cheek.

"You can see them, but only for a few minutes. You need to take it easy," Elliot said before he left my room.

I shifted around in bed, my arm and leg aching. It had only been five days since they found me, but I was in better spirits than before, even if I was experiencing an almost constant headache. As I was trying to get comfortable, Elliot entered the room. He had Noah in his arms, and Emily walked behind him with her hand gripping the hem of his shirt.

"Hey, babies!" I smiled softly as Elliot moved closer to the bed. Emily looked at me for a moment before hiding behind her father. Noah didn't even seem to care about my current state and reached his arms out to me.

"Wanna hold him?" Elliot asked, worried that I wasn't strong enough to hold him.

"Yes, please."

Elliot placed Noah on my lap as tears welled in my eyes. I kissed his mess of brown curls, which Elliot still hadn't managed to calm down while I was missing. The small boy looked me over, his eyes drifting over the things that made me look different from the mother he remembered.

"Em, gonna go see your momma?" Elliot asked, as he reached behind himself and gently touched our daughter's hair. Emily continued to hide behind Elliot, her head resting against his back.

"El?" I asked, my vision going blurry as I looked at Noah.

"Yeah?" Elliot asked. I slowly looked at Elliot's face, even if I couldn't see him.

"Can you take him?"

"Liv-" Elliot started, but I started to scream as pain radiated through my body. The pain was worse than what I experienced when Faith and Emily were born. My screams were heard from the hall, which sent nurses in as fast as they could move.

I wanted the pain to end. Now.


"Your wife had a seizure, and we are having a hard time pinpointing exactly what type she had. For now, she needs to rest. Not only for her sake, but for the fetus as well," the doctor spoke, as I lay in my bed. I felt so heavy and my nose tickled from the oxygen nubbins in my nose. 

"She's okay, right?" Elliot asked, his voice begging for some good news. 

"We won't know for a while. We will run tests, especially brain scans. From what we can tell, it might be related to a brain bleed," the doctor replied. I slowly rolled my head to the side and looked at Elliot until he noticed me. He quickly walked from the doctor and made it to my side.

"Hey, baby," He said with a scared smile.

"I'm so tired," I whispered, my words slurring as they left my lips.

"I know, baby. Close your eyes and get some sleep. I'll be here when you wake up," Elliot said with a weak smile. He leaned down and kissed my forehead before turning to look at the doctor and continued the conversation.

"Mr. Stabler-"

"When will these tests take place?" Elliot questioned.

"Once she is stronger, so probably a few days. Until then, please keep the kids at home. We do not know when another seizure could take place, and what they saw must have been traumatizing," the doctor spoke, before turning and leaving the room. Elliot turned back to look at me and frowned when he saw tears on my cheeks.

"Did I scare them?" I whispered.

"Everyone will be okay, Liv. I promise," Elliot breathed before he leaned down and pecked my lips softly. Moments after he leaned back, I settled into a deep, drug-induced sleep.


"Hey," Elliot yawned after I woke up hours later. He leaned forward and rubbed his eyes as I swallowed hard.

"Did I wake you?" I asked, and Elliot shook his head.

"No, you didn't. How are you feeling?"

"I'm sore and feel almost foggy," I replied quietly. Elliot frowned deeply as he scooted his chair closer and grabbed my hand.

"I think that'll be your norm for a while, love."

We sat in silence for a while. It was hard to know what to say after what happened. I had been kidnapped and sexually assaulted, and now I was carrying my rapist's baby, or Elliot's. We wouldn't know who was the father until I was further along, and I don't know if I even want to make it that far. 

"Liv?" Elliot asked.

"Yeah?" I replied quietly, my eyes focused on the wrinkled sheet covering my lap.

"What do you wanna do?"

"Honestly?" I replied softly.

"Don't sugarcoat it for me, Liv. I need to know what you want to do," Elliot replied. I swallowed hard and turned to look at him, tears burning my eyes.

"I-i have no idea."

Elliot nodded slowly as he spun his wedding band around on his finger.

"We need to talk about-"

"No! We aren't discussing this right now!" I cried.

"Liv, this could be our baby!" Elliot exclaimed.

"This could be Ike's baby!" I sobbed. Elliot stood slowly and gently cupped my cheeks with his shaking hands.

"We are married, so I refuse to let you go through this by yourself. You may not want to discuss it right now, but we will be discussing it soon. I will hold your hand and help you process all the scary things that keep getting thrown at us. Okay? I love you, and you cannot change that," Elliot spoke.


"I'm your husband for better and worse, got it?"

"Got it," I whispered.

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