Chapter 18 [Edited]

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"Emily, can you grab Noah's shoes?" I asked, my arms wrapped around Noah's squirming body. The last thing I wanted was for Noah to get in the way of those helping us move.

"Where are they?" She asked.

"By the door. Please be careful and avoid the guys," I replied, my arms struggling to keep my son in place.

Emily came running back after finding her brother's shoes, and she velcroed them in place for me. 

"Are we ready?" Elliot asked as he wiped his face off with a towel.

"I think we are..." I trailed off slowly as I looked around the apartment I had made a life with my husband in.

"What's wrong?" Elliot asked, as Dickie took Noah from me and walked towards the door.

"We are moving, El. This is big for us," I whispered.

"It's such a great decision for us, Liv. More space to grow, which you are doing plenty of late," Elliot smiled, his hand running over my belly. 

"That's a very nice way to call me fat, El. C'mon. We should get going."


By the time we got to the house, the kids were napping in their car seats and I was trying my hardest to stay awake. It had been a stressful few weeks as we prepared to move and tried to keep my kids occupied long enough to help pack.

"We are finally home," Elliot smiled, as he parked on the street in front of our house. 

"I love hearing that..." I trailed off into a yawn. Elliot frowned softly as he caressed my hair.

"Do you want to go in and nap?"

"El, I should help unpack. We have so many boxes to move and items to be put away," I replied.

"Okay, but you need your sleep. We can work on unpacking later if I can't finish it before the kids wake up," Elliot breathed, as he leaned in and kissed my temple.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure, Liv. Get some sleep so you can be of more use later."

Elliot and I put the kids in their beds before I went into our room and passed out on our bed. It wasn't even made, and I didn't have more than a pillow and a sheet, but I was exhausted. When I woke up, it was much later, and the kids were running around downstairs.

"Momma!" Noah exclaimed as he ran to where I stood. I swung my son into my arms as Elliot sat his beer on our coffee table.

"How are you, sleepyhead? Get plenty of sleep?" Elliot asked as I walked to where he sat.

"I slept so deeply... did you feed the kids?" I asked as I slowly sank beside him. 

"I may have, but I can't remember," Elliot lied. I rolled my eyes before moving to stand.

"El, it's after eight and our kids haven't eaten yet... I guess that I'll order us a pizza," I sighed softly. I sat my son on the floor before standing and walking to where my phone had been plugged in to charge. 

By the time I got back from ordering dinner, my kids were sitting in opposite corners of the living room as they both sniffled. Elliot was sitting on the couch as he rubbed his forehead.

"What happened?" I demanded as I looked between my kids.

"Noah is in trouble for stealing Em's doll, and Em is in trouble for hitting Noah," Elliot breathed, his face red. 

"Em has never hit Noah before..." I trailed off as I walked to my husband. I sank beside him and stroked his back.

"I hate having to punish them, Liv. I always feel like a bad dad," Elliot whispered.

"I know, but we can't let them run wild. They won't be mad for long, and I'm sure they will forget about this before bed," I replied softly, placing a soft kiss on his temple.

"I need to get some air..." Elliot trailed off, standing quickly and walking out the front door.

Something else must have happened to make Elliot so upset.


After dinner and baths, I put the kids down for the night. Elliot hadn't come in for dinner, and I was worried he had left. When I went outside to check, he was sitting on the ground near the garage, his head resting heavily against the door.

"El, what happened inside?" I questioned.

"Nothing," He lied quietly.

"Hey, don't lie to me. I know something is bothering you, so tell me," I breathed.

Elliot took a shaky breath as he finally turned to look at me.

"Emily said that she hates me."

"She didn't mean that, El."

"Then why did she say it?" Elliot asked.

"She's a little girl, El. She doesn't like getting punished just as much as you hate punishing her. Emily doesn't really hate you," I answered, trying to be as comforting as possible.

"I'm going to have five daughters soon, and they are all so damn stubborn. They say they hate me, and then I get the cold shoulder for weeks," Elliot grumbled.

"Emily will not give you the cold shoulder. She's still your little girl and doesn't hate you. I'm sure everything will be fine by the morning Stop beating yourself up over having to punish her and Noah."

"I'm gonna go for a drive," Elliot mumbled.

"Please come home tonight," I breathed, as I stood awkwardly.

"Yeah, I guess we will see about that," Elliot grumbled.


Elliot didn't bring his phone with him, so I couldn't get in contact with him. As I was trying to sleep that night, his phone kept buzzing and lighting up. I unlocked it and squinted at the text until my eyes adjusted to the light.

I'm sorry I had to break the news to you, El. She's staying with us until we can get her a nurse.

Who the hell is living with Kathy and why was she apologizing to Elliot about it?

"Hello?" I answered when Kathy called my husband.

"Liv, can you give me to El?"

"He isn't here, Kathy. What's happening?" I asked.

"I need to talk to him, so have him call me when he gets home."

"I can try, but I'd like to know what's happening. I am his wife," I replied.

"That title doesn't really matter right now, Olivia. What's happening doesn't change your life," Kathy spoke before hanging up.

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