Chapter 34

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"Pregnant?" Nick breathed, while everyone else, even Elliot since he hadn't known about Amanda, sat with their mouths wide open.

"You know that thing when women have babies?" I teased, and Nick shot me a look before looking back at Amanda.

"Nick, it isn't your's..." Amanda trailed off, shocking me.

"Wait, you guys are together? Or have been?" I questioned and Amanda nodded slowly, her cheeks turning red.

"On and off since I started. But, I swear, Nick, this baby isn't your's." She spoke, tears growing in her eyes.

"Who's the father than, Amanda?" He spat, slamming his shot down on the table, causing Amanda to shake.

"Declan's!" She cried, and Nick stood up, anger radiating off of him.

"Why would you sleep with him? What the hell Amanda?! Are you stupid?" He screamed, causing the whole bar to go silent.

"Fuck off Nick!" Amanda cried before running out. I quickly grabbed her coat before running after her, I stopped and turned to look at Nick.

"Nice going, Jackass."


I found Amanda crying by her car. I walked over and draped her coat over her shoulders before leaning against the car.

"I knew he was going to react like this." Amanda whimpered, as she laid her head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around her and sighed.

"Amanda, just forget about that. He can be a dick sometimes, and that was one huge example. Why don't Elliot and I drive you home. You shouldn't drive when you are this upset." I breathed, and Amanda nodded slowly. She followed me back to bar, and I went in and Elliot stood and pulled his jacket on.

"Amaro, don't come tomorrow if you are going to be a dick." Elliot spoke before leaving the table.

"Fuck off, Stabler. You act like you've never been a dick before." Nick slurred, and I walked over to them, Elliot trying to catch my arm, but I had already made contact with Nick's face.

"Go to hell." I spat before leaving.


"She didn't deserve that." I frowned, as Elliot and I laid in bed the next morning, both of us too restless to get any sleep, or to even stay quiet until the alarm went off.

"No, she didn't. No one should deserve to be yelled at like that." Elliot sighed.

"I thought that if I told them with her, that they wouldn't be so surprised or angry. At least Fin and Munch didn't tease her." I sighed, and Elliot nodded before rolling over so he was facing me.

"Well, now that it's out, you are gonna be on desk duty, same with Amanda." Elliot spoke, a small smile on his face. He was happy about the baby, and so was I, but I was NOT happy about not being on active duty till I went on maternity leave.

"I shouldn't have told them. Just kept it a secret." I replied and Elliot laughed.

"How long do you think you could've hid it?" He smiled.

"There is a thing called shirts, Detective. You get them a few sizes bigger and BAM, covered."

"Wait, when have you really had to hide it?" He questioned, and I stood and went into the bathroom and turned on the water to the shower.

"Liv?" he spoke quietly, and I turned to look at him.

"I wore them when I was pregnant with Emily. I didn't want anyone to know, since I was beat up so much, I was afraid I would lose her." I whispered, and Elliot's eyes filled with sadness.

"God." He breathed, and I swallowed hard.

"Thanks for not being like that. I don't think I could make it through alive if it happened again."


Work was pretty quiet that day, and the days following, since Nick hadn't been seen since the accident at the bar. Amanda had grown quiet, and only talked when a questioned was asked. I tried to see if she wanted to discuss what happened, but she said no right away.

"Benson." I sighed as I answered my phone.

"Detective Olivia Benson?" The voice on the other side asked.

"Yes. Who is this?" I questioned.

"Michael from the bar. Amaro is drunk and won't leave."

"Fuck. Alright, I'll come pick him up. Did you take his keys?" I asked.

"Yeah, he's been here drinking, then sleeping at the bar, then drinking again." Michael sighed, and I frowned.

"I'll be there in five minutes."

I left and Elliot called after me, but I just ignored him.

I entered the bar and Nick was sitting at the bar, asking over and over again for just one more beer.

"Nick, get up." I sighed.

"Oh, looky! Hi Liv!" He slurred, and he started to stand up, but he fell back to the stool and laughed.

"Not too good on my feet anymore." He laughed, and I took a deep breathe.

"Michael, sorry about this." I sighed, as Michael handed me Nick's keys and I grabbed some of Nick's other things before attempting to get him up.

"He's not coming back in here unless the crew is here." Michael replied and I nodded.

Somehow I managed to get Nick outside and into my car. I climbed in and started off towards his apartment.

"Liv, you how that you are amazing?" Nick slurred, and I rolled my eyes.

"And you are incredibly drunk, what's new?" I replied coldly.

"Hey, don't be mean." He laughed, and I was regretting picking him up.

"If you throw up in here, I'm pulling my gun and shooting you." I threatened, and he laughed.

"You wouldn't do that! You don't hate me." He slurred, and again I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up." I replied. He talked to himself for awhile, mostly about Amanda, and how he had lost a good one.


I took Nick up to his apartment. He leaned on me as we walked, which was hard because compared to me, he was taller and had more muscle, but he was drunker than I had thought. I unlocked his door and shut it behind us. He made his way over to the couch and laid down, while I found a bucket, and I sat it next to him.

"Sleep on your side." I spoke, and he closed one eye and looked at me.

"Why?" He giggled, thinking I was joking.

"Nick, it's your choice, but I doubt you want to die because you inhaled your own vomit." I replied, my voice showing how annoyed I was.

"It's better than not being with Amanda..." He yawned, and I frowned.

"If you love her, tell her. Don't act like a brute." I sighed, and Nick looked at me.

"Liv, don't leave." he spoke before falling asleep. I closed my eyes for a moment, and took a deep breath. I pulled out my phone and walked into the kitchen.

"Where are you?" Elliot asked as soon as he answered.

"I'll tell you later. I'll see you at home." I replied.

"Why?" He questioned.

"Just... I'll tell you later. I love you." I spoke quickly before hanging up.

Hey guys! Long time, no chapter :P Thanks for reading! I'll try to update again soon. Vote/Comment/Share

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