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Yoongi POV

The morning light began to shine through the curtains in my room. I started to wake up since the light shined where my eyes were. My eyes finally opened up and focused on what was infront of me. I noticed that I had my arms wrapped around a girl. I was curled up with her. Her back facing me as our bodies were pefectly connected. (Aka they are spooning for all the noobs out there)

I then remembered that Y/N slept in the room with me and I could feel my face begin to heat up. I couldnt move out of the position we were in because I didnt want to wake her up. I couldn't move anyway since she held onto my hands.

I laid my head back down and adjusted myself to be a bit more comfortable. Easily, I fell back asleep and slept for a long time.

Jimin POV

Everyone was awake besides Yoongi and Y/N. Man did they love to sleep. They were so alike and that made me jealous. I may have known Y/N all my life and we've been together forever but I feel like we dont have much in common. Not as much as she and Yoongi do.

I know that he likes Y/N and it kills me to know that. Ive liked her ever since we were in 3rd grade together. I always wanted to ask her to be my girlfriend but I could never work up the courage to do it. Especially now since she majorly best friend zoned me. I get really sad when I see her with other guys but thats just how it is. I have to deal with it and live my life.

I pushed the thought out of my head and looked at my phone. My lockscreen was a picture of me and Y/N. Well, that killed my mood. I looked at the time and saw that it was 12:34. The rest of the guys were preparing for lunch and I decided to go and wake Y/N and Suga up. They are probably hungry anyway.

I put my phone in my pocket and walked up to Sugas room. After a minute I got to the room and opened the door. I looked towards the bed and saw something I didnt want to see. I saw them cuddled up with each other. With seeing that I didnt even wake them up. I left the room and walked back to the kitchen. I didnt want to deal with the situation so I decided to ask Jin to go and wake them up.

"Hey Jin, can you go wake Suga and Y/N up?" I asked holding in my anger.

"Sure. The foods finished anyway." He replied walking away.

Jins POV

I got to Sugas door and opened it seeing them asleep. The one thing that was weird was that they were cuddling. I was kinda uncomfortable about it but I also thought it was cute.

I walked over to Sugas side and started to shake him a bit. He started to open his eyes a bit and I started to talk. "Yall should wake up. Its past 12:30. Everyone else is going to eat." I said.

He nodded and sat up. "Ill wake her up. We'll be down in a few minutes." He said and I nodded. I left the room and went back to the kitchen so I could eat with the guys.

Yoongi POV

I was sat up now since Jin woke me up. My eyes were still a bit closed but I was waking up bit by bit. I looked over to Y/N and saw she was now laying on her back as she slept. She had her left arm by mine and her side and her right arm was over her face covering her eyes.

I adjusted the way I was on the bed so I got on my knees and faced her. I leaned over her just a bit and started to shake her shoulders. She moved her right arm and pushed me away a bit and went back to her sleeping position. I thought for a second and decided to do what she did to me. Payback. I pushed the cover off of my legs and laid on her.

She breathed out a heavy breath. "Y-y-Yoongi wah why." She let out. I got up and she breathed in heavily. "Dude, the fuck?" She questioned as she sat up. I chuckled a bit. She had a tired voice. It was really cute.

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