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Author POV

After buying snacks and drinks, they drove to BTS' house so yhey could start their late movie night. It took them 30 minutes to get to the house. As they got there, they grabbed the 2 bags and went towards the house. They quietly walked in and went towards Taehyungs room. Taehyung was walking and noticed that Y/N had stopped. He turned and gave her a confused look. She waved him to come where she was and he did after he quickly put the bags on his bed. He walked over to her and she held her finger up to her mouth, telling him to stay quiet. He nodded. She placed her ear to Namjoons door and listened. Taehyung saw her eyes grow wide and her face turn red. He placed his ear against the door to hear what she was hearing. He nearly choked hearing the sounds coming from Namjoons room.

Taehyung looked at Y/N and he noticed that she was about to bang on the door. He quickly stopped her. He pulled her to him and wrapped his arms around her. She ended up with her back facing him and she was now in his lap.

"Y/N dont mess with them. This happens rarely and only uf they are wasted." Taehyung whispered in her ear. She nodded and they sat there for another minute.

Y/N flinched when she heard Jin yell out because of Namjoon becoming more powerful. Taehyung and Y/N decided to go to Taehyungs room when Jin started whimpering.

They got into his room and closed the door. Y/N took the food and drinks out of the bags and set them on the bedside tables. After setting out the food, getting extra blankets and picking out a movie, they were ready to chill.

"Wait, you didnt being comfy clothes to wear?" Taehyung asked.

"Shit I forgot. I left my bag on my bed." Y/N replied.

Taehyung went to his drawer and grabbed a pair of his sweat pants and a hoodie. He handed it to Y/N. "Here, you can wear these. Theres a string on the pants so you can tighten it."

"Thanks. Ill go quickly change in the bathroom."

"Okay. Ill be changing in here."

Y/N nodded as a reply and walked to the bathroom. Taehyung changed back into his grey sweat pants and white tshirt. Right as he finished, Y/N nocked on the door and he let her in. They put the movie in, turned out the lights and got under the many piles of covers on Taehyungs bed. They decided to watch a comedy so they put on 'White Chicks'. Y/N loved that movie because of how stereotypical it was for a white chick. They laughed throughout the whole movie and Y/N sang along to the part where the man and the white chick are in the car. Y/N even did the head movements and acted like Taehyung was the white chick. They laughed really hard and as the movie reached the end, they put on another movie. That time it was 'Bad Grandpa'. Y/N knew this movie too and was happy to watch it.

After watching 3 movies, it was about 7 or 8 in the morning. They both were still awake and eating candy. Y/N was slouched on the bed with a jumbo bag of M&Ms in her hands. Taehyung had a bag of twix in his. They were still watching their 3rd movie and Taehyung noticed Y/Ns eyes begin to close.

"Are you sleepy?" He asked. She looked up to him with squinted eyes.

"A little bit. Im gonna try and stay awake though. These M&Ms wont eat themselves."

Taehyung chuckled at her sleepy voice and he pulled her close to him. He wrapped his arms around her small, tired body. Y/N slowly ate her candy and after a few minutes, he noticed she fell asleep holding the bag with one hand and the other held onto his wrist and forearm. He smiled and adjusted his position. He made sure to not awaken her and laid his head doen on his pillow. His arm was her pillow and he smiled at her. He kissed her on her forehead and closed his eyes. He then fell asleep with the girl he loved in his arms.

~10 in the Morning~

Hoseok POV

Everyone was starting to wake up and start to eat breakfast. Even Suga was awake early. It was a weird sight. They all grabbed cereal from the cabinet and ate in peace wherever they felt. I saw that V wasnt awake so I decided to go and wake him up. I peaked the door open and walked in. I was about to jump on him until I saw Y/N. Why is she sleeping with V? When did she get here? Shes even wearing his clothes. What the hell is going on?

I shook V and he started to wake up. "V, what the hell? Why are you and Y/N cuddled up?"

V sat up carefully and looked at me with his puffy face. "Hyung, noting happened. She and I had a movie night. I picked her up at 11 last night."

"You better be glad noting happened between you two. Suga would be extremely angry at you." I replied.

"Why do I need to worry about how he felt if something did happen? Its not like he could do anything about it."

"Yes he can V. He and Y/N are dating. He would literally kill you." I said.

His eyes widened and looked from me to Y/N and back to me.

"Are you serious hyung?"

I nodded as a response.

"Oh my god. This is hurting me. I finally really like a girl and she is dating my friend."

He looked hurt. I hugged him and told him he would find another great girl. I knew he would. It would just take time.

I eventually got the both of them up and they started cleaning his room. It was messy from the food and blankets. V told me everything that happened during the movie night and I understood. He didnt do anything and it was a friends night to hang out.

I told everyone that Y/N was here and they all were kinda surprised. They didnt expect her to be here since she went home yesterday. I told them about her movie night with V and they all understood.

I talked to Suga privately and he was a little mad that he didnt know about Y/Ns and Vs sleepover but he said he would get over it. I told him about how I blurted out that hr and Y/N were dating. He punched my arm at first but then thanked me.

"I feel like hes goona tell everyone else about it." I said.

"I dont care. As long as they know that she is my girl and not theirs then Ill be okay." He replied. I nodded and we hung out in the living room. We saw V pull Jimin out of the room and we assumed that he was talking to Jimin about Suga and Y/N dating. The only group members that didnt know were Jimin and Jungkook. Y/N left the living room to get changed. After a minute we heard yelling.


Written: March 22, 2017

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