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Yoongi slowly opened his eyes. It was about 8am. He and Y/N had fallen asleep on the couch with the tv on playing music. Right now, BTS We Are Bulletproof Pt 2 was on.

Yoongi looked at Y/N as she slept soundly. He carefully put a cover on top of them and began to rub her back. He smiled as he remembered what happened the night before. He kept thinking about it. How she gave in to him, how he teased her, how she begged, and how she called him Daddy and Oppa. Thats what really set him off. He then thought about how he and Y/N actually did have sex. He still couldnt believe she gave in to him and became his girlfriend. He thought that she didnt find him attractive or her type. He thought that she thought of him as just a friend when he thought of her as more than that.

Yoongi then cleared his mind and rested his head back on the couch. One hand rubbed her back as the other was run through her hair. He felt complete with Y/N in his arms. He wanted to protect her at all costs. Especially now since they are together and the other members are unaware of it. He breathed slow and calmly. The feeling of Y/N and the sounds of soft music in the room calmed him. He closed his eyes even though he wasnt tired and continued to stroke her hair.

Suddenly his phone started to go off. Yoongi quickly grabbed it off the floor and turned the sound off. He saw that Rap Monster was calling him and he answered. "Hello." He said with his raspy morning voice.

"Morning Suga, sorry for how early Im calling. You, Hoseok and I are scheduled to record Cypher Pt 4 this morning at 11. You can bring Y/N if you'd like since you were trying to hang out with her." Rap Mon said.

"Okay, we will be there by 9:30. We will meet you two at the studio" Yoongi replied getting an okay and see you soon from Rap Monster before they ended the call. Yoongi set his phone down and looked at Y/N. He didnt want to wake her up but he had to.

"Y/N, baby girl, we need to get up." He said as he shook her. She started to wake up and when she looked up to him he saw the face of beauty. He couldnt believe how beautiful someone could be waking up. "Baby, I have to record for Cypher in a bit. We have to get ready now." He said sitting up with her. She rubbed her eyes and nodded. They both got up and went to her bedroom to change.

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