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These are past thoughts and past events that happened in Y/Ns life at that specific time. Please enjoy. Thanks! <3

~Flashback 1~

"Get off of me you fucking pedophile!"

"Dont talk to me like that kitten. Im your fucking dad and you listen to me you little slut!"

"Exactly you cunt! Get off now!"

Y/N yelled at her father as she tried her hardest to push his off of her small body. He had gotten drunk again and began to take advantage of his daughter once again. Its happened multiple times before and sometimes he would succeeded in doing so.

Y/N screamed but he muffled them with his hands as he used her body for his own pleasure. Y/N has delt with this at least 10 times before and is used to it. She was never as strong as him and would fail to stop him.

He would have his chances and leave huge marks on her. With the sexual abuse, he would abuse her verbally and physically. She earned many scars from his actions and she had never been brave enough to take action and tell anyone about it.

~Flashback 2~


I ran to the schools bathroom as fast as I could. I needed to get away from him. I have been getting bullied by a guy who goes by G-Dragon. Hes the schools most popular and attractive guy. All the girls go after him and he takes advantage of them. He fucks them and leaves them. Plain and simple.

I got to the bathroom and hid in one of the stalls. I let the tears run down my cheeks as I searched through my bag. I grabbed my razor blade and cut along my scared skin. I cut on my forearm and cried as I did it. I couldnt get what he had been saying to me out of my head.

"I bet your parents hate you"
"How could anyone love you"
"Youre such an ugly slut"
"Didnt I see you working at that strip club? Nobody would give you any money"
"You want to be famous? Ha! You cant even do anything right"
"Youre a disappointment"
"Go die cunt"

Maybe I should die. The would would be better and I wouldnt need to ne apart of it. I dont have a friends or anyone that cares about me anyway so whats the point. The only person I have is Jimin.

My tears streamed down my face just like the blood streamed down my arm. My sobs werent loud and werent quiet either.

I heard someone run into the bathroom and I quickly quieted down. I didnt want anyone to see what I was doing.

"Is someome crying?"

I heard a girl ask. I could tell who it was. It was a girl named Maddie. She was in my art and music classes. Maddie was shy and always quiet. I kinda had a crush on her. Not many people noticed her but I thought she was pretty. I could see some scars on here arms like mine. I assumed they were from cutting too.

"Y/N is that you? Please tell me if your in here."

"Y-yeah" I choked out as I steadied my breathing.

"Come out please."

"I dont want to."

"Please Y/N. Ill bring you to my house. Lets skip school and we can talk."

I thought for a minute and came out of the stall. I nodded and she smiled. The smile went away once she saw my fresh cuts though.

"Come here quick. Lets stop the bleeding." Maddie said as she wet a few paper towels. She cleaned up the blood. She then ripped a piece of ber shirt off and wrapped it around my arm. Once my arm and face was cleaned up, we snuck out of school and walked to her house.

I think I made a friend.

~Flashback 3~




Maddie and I were so happy. We auditioned for many companies and we finally got accepted. We only auditioned for the one we are apart of now, SM and Bighit. Bighit didnt take us because they didnt want any girl groups and SM didnt choose us because they wanted to focus on their new group EXO.

We didnt care which company took us, as long as our dreams were to come true. Maddie and I were put in a group with 3 other girls. Their names were Annika, Alyssa and Kaylee. They all were really pretty and I could tell that they all could be visuals but we were told that the leader of the group was Kaylee and our visual was Alyssa.

It took a matter of days to become friends eith the gurls and become comfortabke around them. After about two weeks we were pratically running around naked infront of eachother. How the hell did we get that close of friends in that amount of time? I have no idea.

The group praticed hard and we started to write music. People found out that we became a group in 2012 and we debuted March 8, 2013. When we debuted we didnt expect a lot of people to start liking us but we were wrong. Our first music video had over ten thousand views in 30 minutes to an hour. We ended up going on the news since we were rookies and were being introduced to kpop fans.

We gained many fans and also haters. I expected haters since no group is perfect and everyone has at least one person that hates them. I was ready to see how the haters reacted. With the haters and fans, we grew to become a successful girl group in Seoul, South Korea.

The moment we dubuted and became a group that people actually liked I felt like a new person. I felt like I actually had a meaning to tbis world and why I was put on this earth.

I would do anything for my girls, my new friends and of course my beloved fans.

Written: March 28, 2017

Brought to you by a sleepy Maddie. I wrote this in 35 minutes and I am supposed to be asleep. I have to wear uniform for ROTC tomorrow and I dont wanna. Anyway, thank you for reading. I love you so much. XOXO

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