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~Night before flight~

Namjoon POV

I walked to Suga and Y/Ns room and knocked on the door. I waited a few minutes but got on response. I thought for a second and dialed Sugas number.

Suga💩: Hello?

Namjoon: Hey Suga hyung, Im at your door and I have been knocking for a few minutes now. I came to talk about the flight for tomorrow.

Suga💩: N-Namjoon... can you come back later?

Namjoon: Oh but the flight is at 10 in the morning and we have to talk about when we leave and everything.

Suga💩: Well... uh~ im busy. Ah~

I laughed to myself. Hes busy fucking Y/N. He really couldnt hold back.

Namjoon: okay hyung. Dont have too much fun. We have a busy day tomorrow.

And with that we hung up. I laughed as I walked back to my room. We literally got her not even 2 hours ago and hes having sex. With how he is I wouldnt think of him to go home and fuck right as he goes home.

I walked in my room and saw Hoseok laying on his bed. He and I shared a room.

"Sup Joonie. We should probably pack our stuff so we can be ready to leave in the morning." Hoseok said as ge sat up.

"Yeah." I said as I walked over to my bag and clothes. I grabbed all my stuff and put it in my bag neatly.

We finished packing after a while and got ready to sleep. The next day would be stressful so its vest to get enough rest to deal with it.

~Next day; plane~

Yoongi POV

"Hey Y/N look what I found." I said as I grabbes a magazine from the chair. She looked and laughed.

"Wow baby, the whole thing that happened not even a week ago is already in the news

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"Wow baby, the whole thing that happened not even a week ago is already in the news." She said after she laughed.

"I know right. At least everyone will know my heart is for you and the baby." I replied as I kissed her cheek. She smiled and laid her head on my shoulder.

"Im super happy. I cant wait to see how the girls react. Ooooo I wonder what your eomma would say. Shes only met me three times." She said as she circled her finger on my arm.

"Im sure she'll be happy. She really likes you."

"Ah thats good. I cant wait to have her find out then."

"Me too baby." I replied before we decided to save up energy and sleep.

~airport in korea~

Author POV

Y/N and BTS all walked together through the airport together. Y/N held Yoongis hand as they walked through the packed airport. Many fans screamed BTS' and Y/Ns names. They walked towards the exit and before they could reach it there was a spine chilling scream. The group looked back and heard someone yell.

"Hes got a gun!" Someone yelled in the crowd of fans.

The groups eyes grew wide as they tried to get away. They reached the exit but stopped in their tracks.

Yoongi screamed to the top of his lungs as he held Y/Ns body close. Two gunshots had gone off. Blood flowed down her body from her stomach and chest.

The rest of BTS ran to Y/N and Yoongi, pure horror and fear in their eyes.

"Y/N, baby please stay with me. Shit!" Yoongi yelled and begged. He held Y/N tight and tried to keep the wounds from gushing blood. The blood stained his clothing, hands, and the white tiled floor.

Y/N held onto Yoongis arm, her nails dug into his arm. She breathed hard from the pain. Her vision going blurry and the sounds becoming muffled.

"Y-yoongi... it. It hurts. Fuck." Y/N breathed out. Her breathing started to slow and Yoongis eyes widened more.

"No no no no! Baby please stay with me! I love you too much I cant let you go!" Yoongi cried as he held Y/N close to his body.

The others stood there freaking out, two guards ran to look for help and the other guards kept the fans away from the scene. Pictures and videos were being taken of them.

Yoongi hugged Y/N close and whispered prayers into the crook of her neck. He begged and begged for a miracle but he would never get one.

Y/Ns breath slowed down even more as she said her last words.

Written: April 26, 2017

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