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~Le Timeskip to about 3 months later cuz Im a bitch who doesnt give you a longer story~


At the moment I was hanging out with Taehyung. We were headed to the movies. He wanted to hang out since the guys were all too tired from pratice. I was okay with that. We decided to go and watch a scary movie and it really wasnt scary. It seemed almost like a parody. It was that bad. After 30 minutes of watching the movie, we decided to leave. We couldnt take it anymore. At the moment it was 9:13pm.

We were running around the poorly lit streets. There were very few cars on the usually busy streets, small groups of people walking along on the sidewalks, and sounds of music in the air. We got tired from running so we walked for a bit until we reached a coffee shop. We decided to go in and see what was there. We walked in and went up to the counter side by side.

The lady at the register smiled at us. "Hello, how are you two tonight?" She asked.

"We are doing great and we hope the same for you." Taehyung said. She nodded.

"So, what would yall like?" She asked as we looked. I didnt know what to get so I asked Tae to get me anything. He nodded and I went to sit down in a small booth. I pulled out my phone and saw that I had a message. It was from my friend Alyssa. Alyssa is one of my best friends and I met her in 7th grade. I blushed when I read the message.

Alyssa♥: Hey Y/N. Sorry if Im interrupting your moment with that cute Bangtan memeber. Are you dating him? If you are then Ill go ahead and buy you a wedding dress cuz damn girl yall are gonna have some pretty babies. You guys should FUCK. 💞 Love you bebeh

My face was pink by now. Especially since she even got a short video of us. She got only Tae though and she got him when he was being such a cutie. Shes like a freaking fangirl who is obsessed.

I turned off my phone and put it back in my pocket

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I turned off my phone and put it back in my pocket. I looked up and saw Taehyung was getting straws for our drinks and napkins since he got us sweets too. I leaned forward and sat up straight since I was slouching in the booth. Tae got to the booth and sat across from me.

"I got you a caramel frappuccino with extra whipped cream and a piece of pumpkin pie." He said. My eyes lit up when he said what he got me because those things were amazing. I love pie and frappuccinos.

"Thank you Tae. Ill pay you back later." I said.

"No. Your not paying me back." I looked at him with a confused look.

"Why" I asked.

"Because, tonight is my treat to you and I want to be gentlemen like." He replied as he took a sip of his coffee.

"Aw, thanks Tae." I said smiling. I took a bite of my pie.

"Also, beautiful girls shouldnt have to pay for anything." He said as he smiled and looked me in my eyes.

My face began to turn a dark shade of pink. "Thank you." I said. I went back to eating my pie. After about 20 minutes, we finished up our food and drinks and started to walk to my dorm. I was gonna walk home on my own but he wouldnt let me. After 10 minutes of walking and talking we ended up silent as we walked.

Taehyung broke the silence by asking me a question. "Y/N"

"Yeah Tae." I replied.

"Can I do something without you fetting uncomfortable?" He asked. I was thoroughly confused but I nodded anyway. I realised what he meant when he grabbed my hand. He intertwined his fingers with mine. He looked at me and smiled and I did the same back. We looked forward and continued to walk, hand in hand.

~Timeskip to getting to your dorm~

Taehyung and I got to my dorm and it was time to go in. I stopped at the front door and turned to look at him.

"Thank you for the crappy movie and good food. I had a lot of fun hanging out with you tonight." I said smiling to him.

"I had fun too. I just wish it could last longer." He said and I nodded. "Y/N, I hope you know that I still like you a lot." He said with me nodding trying to control my blushing. He came close to me and gave me a warm hug. Once we finished the hug we were still close to eachother. I was looking him in the eyes and saw that he was doing something. He slowly cupped my face with his hands and made me look up to him. He then leaned in and kissed me passionately. I was shocked and didnt know how to react. I then melted into the kiss as he rubbed his thumbs along my cheeks. He made it so calming and nice. I actually didnt want it to end. He slowly pulled away. We were now only a few centimeters apart. I could see him smile as he looked into my eyes and I smiled back.

"Can you come over to the dorm tomorrow?" He asked. I nodded. We leaned back into a hug before we completely seperated. "Ill see you tomorrow Y/N." He said before he started to walk home.

"See you tomorrow Tae." I replied. We waved to eachother and parted ways. He started to walk home as I closed the door behind me. I locked the door and walked up to my room. I closed and locked the bedroom door and plopped down onto my bed. I curled up and started giggling. I cant believe I kissed Taehyung. Oh shit how would Jimin react? Hes hella protective over me. Its usually hard to even have a guy look at me because of how protective he is. I pushed the thought away and changed into a big shirt to sleep in. Thats usually all I sleep in at home so I liked it.

I laid back on my pillows and started scrolling through twitter before I finally fell asleep. I would have the sweetest dreams tonight.

Written: January 15, 2017

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