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"So you have been having sexual activity lately Y/N?" Doctor Thomas asked. Doctor Thomas had been Y/N doctor ever since she was young. Y/N trusted her with anything and everything.

"Yes ma'am." Y/N said as she adjusted her seating position.

"Have you been protected or unprotected? If unprotected, we can run a test in the next 2 weeks to see if your body has been affected." She said.

"Yes, Id like to have tests soon." Y/N replied with a smile. Doctor Thomas nodded and wrote it down on her clipboard.

Afterwards, she looked up and told Y/N the results of what she came for. "Y/N, your father isnt your real dad. Your biological father went missing while your mother was pregnant with you. By now, everyone who knew him has come to believe he is dead." Y/N nodded and with this new found information, she feels better about it. Y/N got siblings because of her step father and always wondered why they didnt look the same as her. Thats why she went to science to help her gain an answer. Now that she knows, she doesnt have to worry about it anymore.

She was at the doctor for about and hour and she started to drive home. She decided that she would text Yoongi when she got home so he wouldnt freak out. It took an hour and a half to get back to her dorms and when she got home Alyssa tackled her in a hug.

"HOE I MISSED YOU" Alyssa shouted to Y/N as they were on the floor tangled in a hug.

"I MISSED YOU TOO YA JIMIN BIASED ASS" Y/N shouted back. After rolling on the floor for 10 minutes, they talked about what happened at the appointment and how dance pratice with Bangtan was. Alyssa was intrigued that Y/N learned the dance to Blood Sweat and Tears so quickly. She wanted to learn the dance too and Y/N planned that she, Alyssa, Maddie, and Kaylee would hang out with BTS and pratice with them. Y/N wanted to invite Annika but she was caught a flight to America that morning. Annkia was finally meeting her favorite alternative music duo, Twenty Øne Piløts. Y/N knew that Annkia was hype about it and cried so many tears about it so she let her be.

All the girls were excited to hang out with BTS but Maddie hadnt heard the news yet. Y/N decided she would tell Maddie when she got back from her coffee date with Jin. Y/N texted Yoongi after she planned it with the girls.

Y/N: Hey babe, I made it home safely. Btw, would it be cool if Maddie, Kaylee, Alyssa, and I hang out with you and BTS for a few days to pratice together? Our manager wants to have a meeting with your manager too.

Oppa Yoongi💦: Hi baby. Im glad you made it back safely. That would be cool. All of us hanging out and getting to know each other. Ok, Ill tell him and we'll get them to set up a meeting.

Y/N: Yay! We all are gonna have so much fun. Ok 👌

Oppa Yoongi💦: Ikr but not as much fun as we have together 😉

Y/N: 😂

Y/N: ok baby, Ill text you later. I luvvvv youuuuu

Oppa Yoongi💦: Ok baby girl. I loveeee youuu toooo. And much more than you will love me. Talk to you later babe.

Y/N: not fair lol. Ttyl 💖

Y/N walked up to her room and set her phone on the charger. It took her an hour and a half to get to the hospital so by the time she got there it was 11. Her appointment was 30 minutes earlier and it took and hour to do everything. By then it was 12:30. She got home at 2 pm since it took an hour and a half to drive home. She then talked with Alyssa and the others for a while and got to her room at 3 pm.

Y/N was already tired but she still wanted to make the most of the day. She decided that she would eat some ramen and then go out and shop. She left the girls at the dorm since they were busy playing Mortal Kombat on the xbox and screaming at each other to 'whop her ass' and 'bitch you betta win or you aint gettin no cake'.

Y/N drove around a bit and made it to a nice and popular shopping center in Seoul. She started walking around and many people noticed her. She had her mask on and a small hand bag on her side. She gave out autographs to the people who noticed her and they made her smile. She was happy that she got to casually meet her fans and talk with them.

She walked around and bought a few books and new clothes for pratice. As she was soon about to leave, she ran into a tall figure and bumped into his chest. His bag fell and Y/N went to pick it up and hand it to him.

"Oh my god Im so sorry." She said as she looked up. When she saw who it was that she bumped into she was at a loss for words.

Written: March 7, 2017

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