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Suga and I got to mine and the girls dorms. We walked throught the door and since it was 7:00pm, I knew all the girls were home.

"Hey guys Im home!" I yelled out to them. They all yelled hey back. Suga and I walked into the living room where the girls were and they stared at Suga and me.

"Uh, Y/N are we meeting someone special in your life?" They asked as I started to blush.

"No no no, he just came here with me to help me pack clothes for the night since im having a sleepover with Jimin and the rest of Bangtan." I said to them and they all gave me smirks.

"Chill out yall. Im not fucking anyone so chill your tits." I say laughing with them. I noticed that Suga chuckled with his face almost as red as a tomato from blushing.

"Okay okay, we are going to pack. Ill see yall soon!" I yell out to the girls as Suga and I headed to my room.

"See you soon Yoongi trash!!" One of the girls yell out as they all giggle. I shook my head as we continued walking. My face was scarlet. We got to my room and when we got in there he sat on my bed, looking around the room.

I grabbed a small bag from my closet and started to grab clothes from my dresser and put them in the bag. I grabbed all the things I needed like toothbrush charger, brush, contact solution, etc. All that good stuff. Once I finished packing I looked at the bed where Suga was and saw that he wasnt even awake.

He was there, napping on my frickin frackin bed. Damn it Yoongi. I set the bag down and walked towards the bed. After thinking for a few seconds I decided to jump on him as he slept. Once I jumped on him I laid there on him and whispered to him.

"Wake up or I get weird." I said in between my laughing. He started to sit up and I was still on him and when he fully sat up I was sitting on his lap facing him. We both blushed and I quickly got up. I grabbed my bag and looked at Suga.

"Sh-should we get going?" I ask and he nods. We exit my room and I yell bye to the girls. We leaving the building and get into the car. I started the car quickly and we drive off.

~Le Time Skip cuz im lazy as hell~

We get back to the house and walk in. Once we close the door we hear screaming and laughing. I giggled at all the noise they were making because they were probably being dumb. I could also hear music playing so this must've been good.

Suga and I walk into the living room and see all of them playing Just Dance. I shook my head and laughed at them. By the time we got to the house it was 10pm because of traffic and how long it took to pack. I was hella tired and didnt feel like staying up any later.

"Hey Im tired, where should I sleep tonight?" I ask. Rap Monster came over towards me. I was tired and I could tell Yoongi was too since he was yawning and rubbing his eyes.

"Well, we dont have any extra rooms and we are gonna be in here for a while so maybe you and Suga can share a room. Ya know, sice your both going to sleep." RM suggested. I looked at Suga and saw him shrug his shoulders.

"Sure. Thatll be fine." I reply. Jimin walked up to me as RM left and gave me a warm hug. Everytime we would sleepover at eachothers houses we would give eachother a hug before going to sleep.

"Sleep well munchkin." Jimin says.

"You too chimchim." I reply. I said goodnight to everyone and Suga led me to his room. Once we got in there I grabbed my night clothes and went to change in the bathroom. I usually slept in my white crop top and grey joggers.

I walked back into the room with my clothes from the day and put them beside my bag on the floor

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I walked back into the room with my clothes from the day and put them beside my bag on the floor. I then went back and washed off my makeup. Once I finished doing that I went to the room and waited at the door for Yoongi to finish getting into his night clothes. He finished a few seconds later and let me into the room.

"Sorry if my night clothes make you a bit uncomfortable." I said.

"Naw its fine. I usually just have shorts so your fine." He said as he shut the door. The only light that was on was the lamp on the side Yoongi would be sleeping on. We both got under the covers and curled up facing away from eachother.

He looked over his shoulder and asked, "ready for it to be turned off?" I nodded and he did just that. I felt even more tired once the light went out. His bed was so warm and soft. I could stay there forever. I closed my eyes and fell into a deep and peaceful sleep. There was one thing that affected me. I may be in a deep sleep but I could feel that there were 2 arms wrapped around my waist, the warmth helped me to stay asleep.

Written: January 14, 2017

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