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~Wings Tour~
~April 8, 2017~
~Hong Kong~

Yoongi POV

The tour has already been long. We still have a lot more concerts to do. Right now we all are in Hawaii on a short break. I like it here. Its really pretty. Especially at night in the hotel. I would look out the window at night and see all the lights of the city. I wish I could share that type of moment with Y/N.

Y/N and I havent really talk much lately. We will talk every now and then but its almost rare now. When I call her she sounds uncomfortable and when I text her, she doesnt talk like normal. Im really worried for her. I hope shes doing okay.

BTS and I all went to a festival a little while ago and we saw this really good singer. She looked young, a high schooler I would say. She sang in french and some korean. She did really good. After she finished, BTS and i were leaving and we saw her by a car. We were already in our car so we drove up to her and Rap Monster gave her a finger heart out the window. She saw us and looked shocked.

"N-Namjoon?" She asked.

"Also BTS." He replied to her.

She blushed and gave us all a finger heart back. She had a huge smile and I could tell it wouldnt be going away anytime soon.

We then all left to go to our hotel for the night and get some rest. We would be going to the beach tomorrow so we need our rest.

We all got to our rooms and I was sharing mine with Jin. Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung all shared a room and Hoseok and Namjoon shared. Jin and I were taking turns to use the bathroom and I let him go first for taking a shower. In that time I decided to call Y/N.

It was 5:52 PM in Seoul so I thought it'd be a good time to call her. I waited patiently for her to pick up and she did after a few seconds.

Y/N: hello?

Yoongi: hey baby. How are you doing?

Y/N: oh hey. Im good how are you?

Yoongi: Im doing fine. A little tired.

Y/N: ah ok. Hows Hawaii?

Yoongi: Its pretty here. I just wish you could be here with me.

She giggled.

Y/N: yeah, it would be a nice place to visit.

Yoongi: Y/N?

Y/N: yeah?

Yoongi: whats going on? You're so different now these days. Im worried about you.

She didnt speak for a few seconds. I could tell she was scared to talk.

Y/N: Babe Im fine. Nothings wrong.

Yoongi: Y/N. Dont lie to me. Tell me.

She breathed out.

Y/N: something big happened. Its about Baekhyun.

Yoongi: what happened?

Y/N: he... he...

Yoongi: Baby what did he do? Did he hurt you? What happened?

I started to freak out. I could hear her crying. My face turned red from anger. I didnt want to yell at her so I tried to keep a calm tone.

Y/N: rape

My eyes grew wide.

Yoongi: he raped you?!

Her crying got louder and she began to whimper.

Yoongi: Y/N stay away from him. Stay with the girls. Stay with your manager. Ill be there soon.

Y/N: Yoongi n-no stay t-there. Youre on vacation. The tour is enough stress.

Yoongi: Y/N I am not going to fucking stay on this goddamn island knowing that the bastard that rapes my girlfriend is closer to you tgan I am. Im fucking coming to Seoul.

Y/N: Yoongi...

Yoongi: dont you dare tell me to stay here. Im coming. I love you Y/N.

Y/N: I-I love you too.

With that we hung up. I looked around the room and scrambled to pack my bag. Little did I know that Jin was listening to the whole conversation.

"Yoongi, your not staying in Seoul with here. You are gonna come back." Jin said as he stood in the bathroom doorway with just his shorts on.

I looked up at him, tears stained my face.

"I have to. I care so much about her and hearing what happened right after we left is fucking with me." I said with a raised tone.

He walked over to me. I was sitting on the floor infront of my suitcase and he closed it and took it from me. I was desperate to get it back but he refused.

"Im not giving you your clothes. You are only going to take two pairs of clothes. Use the bookbag. Your bringing her back here to stay with us." Jin said.

I looked back up to him. We sat on the floor together and I let the tears flow down my flushed cheeks. I tackled him into a hug and cried on his shoulder. He rubbed my back whispered soothing words to calm me down.

I finally stopped crying after a few minutes and looked at him.

"You are leaving tonight. We'll get you a ticket for tomorrow. For now you should get some rest. We'll postpone the beach day for when you get back." He said.

I nodded to him and grabbed a white tshirt and black shorts. I left to take a shower.

I let the hot water run down my face and body. It helped me to relax a bit and stay calm. I turned the heat up and let the steam surround my body. It was relaxing and help me forget all the bad things I was about to do to Baekhyun when I got in Korea.

All I could think about now was how I could make my baby girl happy again. I never want anything like this to happen to her. She only deserves to be happy and have a amazing life.

Written: April 9, 2017

A/N: Lmao I was gonna have the next chapter when he would be in Hong Kong but then I remembered BTS was in Hawaii and so am I. Oh yeah, that festival part is a real festival that happened yesterday. BTS was spotted there. Also, my friend is the girl that gets her bias to give her a finger heart. Im so jealous of her. Ugh. Okay yall, Im gonna start writing the next chapter. I love yall!!

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