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"You" Y/N spat coldy at the male. He looked down and was faced with Y/Ns rage.

"Y/N... I never thought we would see eachother again." He said.

"I never thought so either Baekhyun. I hoped we wouldnt after what you did." Y/N replied to Baekhyun as she wrapped her arms around herself.

"We should hang out sometime soon" Baekhyun said as he looked into her (e/c) eyes

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"We should hang out sometime soon" Baekhyun said as he looked into her (e/c) eyes.

Y/N glared at him and replied. "I think not. You fucked up too many times." Before she could say anything else he quickly replied.

"Come on. Ill hang out with you now. You're alone and a young beautiful woman like you shouldnt be anywhere alone. Someone could do bad things to you."

"Baekhyun you fucked up so many times and I dont need you sweet talking me. Besides, you wouldnt protect me since you were the one who did bad things to me you asshat" She said. He stood there looking her in the eye again and she finally gave up. "Fine. You can accompany me you douche." She said and he smiled. They grabbed their bags and began to walk around wherever she chose to go in the mall.

~Meanwhile on Jin and Maddies date~

"Today has been really fun." Maddie said as she looked over to Jin. He smiled and so did she.

"It was a really fun day. We should do this again." Jin said as he ate one of his fries.

"Oooooo Jin. We should watch the sunset and run around in the dark." Maddie said enthusiastically.

"That sounds like a plan." He said. Maddie and Jin were finishing up their fries and burgers and started walking around town. It was now 5:30 pm and the sun was beginning to set. Maddie and Jin were headed towards the closest park to sit at. The closest one was a 20 minute walk from where they were so they headed that way with their milkshakes.

Maddie drank some of her milkshake and flinched when Jin intertwined his fingers with hers. Maddie looked up to Jin and saw him looking forward. She could see the small smile he hand and her heart fluttered. She turned her head back and smiled. They walked close to eachother, hand in hand, and got closer to the park.

They started to hear small groups of screaming fans. They were yelling their names and they turned to look. They saw people taking pictures of them and they ignored it.

Jin whispered to Maddie. "You know us holding hands will be in the news by tomorrow right?" Maddie looked up to him and nodded. "Are you okay with that though? I dont want you to be seen holding hands with someone you arent into." He said. Maddie looked shocked at what just came out of his mouth.

"Jin, its fine. Im okay with this. Besides, what made you think I dont like you?" She replied. He blushed and as they finished walking they sat down.

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