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"Well Jin... With all the description to that, I guess you could say that I know how big both of your dicks are and I know how the sex felt for both of you." I said. Jin laughed and I couldnt help but laugh with him.

"If you were me you would have enjoyed it. It was really nice." He said.

"Jin, it sounded like he was destroying your ass. You screamed and whimpered a lot. How the hell are you even sitting properly right now? I could hear the impact he had on your ass."

"Ah come on. I know you and Suga had sex already. Joonie told me and he said you two went pretty rough."

"What the hell? He doesnt know how to keep a secret."

Jin laughed. "Well, since I told you about how my great night of sex with Joonie was, I wanna hear about yours and Sugas night of sexual tensions. Make it descriptive too." Jin said as he put on a huge grin. I chuckled.

"Okay Jinnie. So, heres how it went with Yoongi."

~Little Bit Later~

"I feel like we just had sex." Jin said with a straight face before we bursted out laughing.

"Well now you know how I felt when you said your story." I said. I looked at my phone and saw that Jin and I had been in his room talking about sex for literally two hours.

We decided to go to the kitchen and get some lunch. We both wanted chicken and rice. Jin said he would cook and I went to look foe someone I hadnt seen at all today. Yoongi.

I walked around the house and found him in his room. He was curled up on his bed with his earphones in as he slept. I smiled at how cute he looked.

I closed the bedroom door and ealked towards the bed. I laid down beside him and his eyes slowly opened. I smiled at him and he did a sleepy smile as he took out his earphones. The music was loud and I could hear it. It was my rapping for cypher part four that I did when we went to the recording studio.

"Hey baby girl." Yoongi said with his sexy raspy voice.

"Hey sleepy head."

He smiled and he leaned in to give me a sweet kiss. It was warm, soft and comforting. How did I get such an amazing boyfriend?

~Jimins room- Jimin POV~

I laid on my bed covered by my duvet. I shed so many tears. I had been crying for the last two hours. How could they not tell me? I have been confessing to her so much and she goes to him! Shes known me longer and has known him for less than six fucking months! Why is life so unfair? I just wanted to be loved by the one I love dearly. Sadly she doesnt feel the same way about me. It fucking hurts and I dont know if I will ever find someone else like her. What am I gonna do?

~Taehyung room- Author POV~

"Just wanted her to feel the same love for me that I have given her. I feel so hearbroken right now. What am I gonna do?" Taehyung said.

"I dont know hyung. I really want to help you and I want you to be happy." Jungkook replied.

"I really want to be happy. I need something right now but I dont know what."


"Yeah kookie?"

"... I love you."

Taehyung was shocked. He didnt know what to say. He never knew that his amazing friend would feel this way about him. Especially Jungkook.

Taehyung cupped Jungkooks face with his big hands and smiled. Jungkook smiled back and held onto Taehyungs hands. Jungkook leaned his face in towards Taehyungs, they were now centimeters apart. They could feel eachothers warm breath on eachothers lips. They cllsed the gap and connected their lips. The tingling sensation felt amazing to them and they refused to part form eachother. The kiss became heated and Jungkook sat on Taehyungs lap. They held eachother as things esculated quicker than expected.

~Top Tae Bottom Kookie~

~Top Kookie Bottom Tae~

A/N: I put in both versions because I know some ppl like a certian one thats dominate in the ships so yeah. I listened to them and they are g8 m8 👌 Ilysm

Written: March 27, 2017

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