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I walked back to Yoongis room and sat on the bed. I was in deep thought about what they had just discussed. What if I was pregnant? Im only 21 and Im possibly pregnant. Well fuck my life. I mean, I like babies but I dont want one right now. Yes I thought having a baby would be cute and a like Yoongi or little me would be nice but I cant help but to feel awful that that I might actually have one.

I looked at my phone and saw it was 3 am. I should go to sleep but I dont feel tired at all. I took in a deep breath and started to walk to the kitchen. I would have to pass through the living room where Yoongi, Hoseok and Namjoon would be. As I walked through the living room I saw Hoseok look at me. It seemed like he was trying to study me. Luckily I had on joggers and a big shirt so all the marks wouldnt be seen by him.

I made chocolate milk and walked to the living room with it. I sat down and greeted them. "Hey guys." I said as I took a sip of the milk.

"Hi Y/N." Hoseok said smiling. I was sitting by Yoongi and he wrapped his arms around my waist. He held me close and it made me feel safe.

"So, how was it with Suga earlier?" Namjoon asked as he held in a laugh. My face turned red and a looked away from him as I sipped more milk.

"Rap Mon stop it. You cant just ask her how it was." Hoseok said. I got Yoongi to set the milk on the end table beside him and I laid my head on his shoulder. Hoseok stood up. "Well, we all should be getting to sleep now. Its 3 and we have shopping to do." Hoseok said. "Also, im going to start kissing all the partners of Bangtan members on the foreheads. Its my new tradition." Hoseok said as he kissed me on my forehead. Yoongi looked at him confused as fuck. I quietly laughed at him. We all said goodnight to eachother and Namjoon and Hoseok went to their rooms to sleep.

Yoongi and I were now in the kitchen. I was cleaning my now empty glass and he was sitting at the table. "You know you dont have to stay here and wait right?" I asked.

"I know." He replied. I finished cleaning it and dried it so I could put it up. I put it in the cabinet and as I turned around, Yoongi was standing infront of me. I jumped a bit but then relaxed when I saw him. He smiled and I smiled back.

We started to go towards the room and as we got in we prepared ourselves to sleep. He changed into a loose shirt and shorts to sleep in. All I did was take my hair out of the bun it was in and take off my joggers. The shirt I had on went down to my mid thigh.

We both laid down in bed and turned out all the lights. I turned my body so I could face him. We looked into eachother eyes. There was a dim light from the moon coming through the curtains so we could see only a little bit.

"Yoongi..." I began to say.

"Yeah baby?" He asked.

"I overheard yall earlier and Im afraid now." I could see his eyes grow wide.

"Please dont be scared. Im the cause." He said with a low voice. It was almost a whisper.

"But I let you. I chose have all of it happen." I replied.

"Y/N... if you end up pregnant I promise that I will always be there for you and the baby." Yoongi said as he pulled me closer to him. My head now close to his chest as our bodies intertwined. I wrapped my arm around his waist and he did the same to me.

"Thank you Yoongi." I whispered. He kissed me on the top of my head before we drifted off into sleep.

Next Morning_8am Yoongi POV

I woke up hearing Y/N phone vibrating. I saw that she had a call and I answered it. "Hello?" I said with my morning raspy voice.

"Uh is Y/N there?" The woman asked. "Shes asleep. Im her boyfriend, you can pass the message through to me for when she wakes up." I said.

"Okay. Im Maddie, one of the girls in her group, and she has a doctors appointment at 12." Maddie said.

"Okay. Ill tell her. Ill make sure she makes it in time." I replied.

"Thank you." She said.

"No problem." I said. We both then hung up and I looked at Y/N. She looked so peaceful but she needed to wake up. I tried to wake her up and when she finally decided to get up her eyes stayed shut. "Baby girl you need to open your eyes." I said as I stood up with her.

"Oppa I dont wanna be awake." She said with a cute and raspy voice.

"I know, but you have a doctors appointment. You need to get ready." I said. As I mentioned the appointment, her eyes opened and she rushed to get ready. I was confused. What was this appointment about?

She quickly stripped herself of clothes and I looked over to her. She looked so beautiful. Her body was perfect. I didnt notice until now that she had scars on her stomach. I wonder what from. I looked away from her stomach and found many hickeys. I smiled at the sight. I got dressed too since I had to go shopping today.

My Outfit

Y/N Outfit

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Y/N Outfit

As we finished getting dressed, we went to get breakfast

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As we finished getting dressed, we went to get breakfast. Jin didnt cook so Y/N decided that she wanted to cook. She made bacon, eggs, pancakes, sausage, biscuits and gravy, and waffles. She learned how to cook southern american food when she visited some of her family so she made a sort of southern breakfast. When she finished cooking, she fixed the table for everyone to eat and she poured orange juice for everyone. I helped her set the table.

"BANGTAN COME EAT!" She yelled. Everyone started to pile in the kitchen and sat down to eat. Once everyone was at the table, everyone fixed their plates. After a few minutes of eating, everyone got more except for Jin.

"Y/N this was delicious. Thank you." Jin said as he stood up.

"No problem Jin. You go have fun with Maddie today." She replied. All the boys began to look at Jin and whistle. Jin blushed and walked away to get ready. I turned back to my food and started to eat it again.

By now it was 9:30 and Y/N was getting ready to leave. I stopped eating and walked her to the door. We stood at the front door and I hugged her. I planted a soft kiss on her delicate lips. "Be careful baby girl. I love you." I said.

She looked up to me and replied. "I will and I love you too.  Ill message you later." She picked up her bag and walked out after giving me another kiss. I smiled and went back to finish eating. I sat down and drank some of my orange juice. Im still wondering, why did she rush to get ready for the appointment? She had 4 hours until she was supposed to be there.

Written: March 3, 2017

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