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A/N: Lmao... this is chapter 25.

Whats better than 24?


Okay okay Ill let you read the chapter now. Enough of my BS. Onward my babes! <3

Jungkook POV

"Fuck...... that was tiring." I said as I said back on the bed with V. My breathing was fast and I tried to control my breathing.

V looked to my side and smile. "Yeah it was... but it was really good."

After smiling, he leaned over and kissed me with his irresistible lips. I kissed him back and rested my hand on his cheek.

We parted after a minute and laid on the bed cuddled up.



"We should do this more often"

"Have sex?"

"No, well yes, but cuddle."

"Ah, yeah. Thatd be great."

"Do you wanna be my boyfriend Jungkook?"

I looked at V and saw him smiling. I nodded and kissed him. He sat up and I wondered what he was doing. He suddenly hovered over me and stared down at my naked body.

"Good, because I think we should have another round."

I smirked and sat up to kiss him. He sat on my lap and we kissed more. I massaged his ass and hips and heard small moans. He moved his body closer to mine and he ran one hand down from my chest, leading to my penis. He stroked it and I began to moan softly with him. He pumped mine fast and I began to leave marks on his neck and back.

Round two was getting heated fast.

~Yoongis Room~

Yoongi POV

I was laying on my back and Y/N fell asleep right beside me. She cuddled up against me and breathed slow. I smiled at her and carefully grabbed my phone off my bedside table. I checked twitter and saw that I hadnt posted in a while.

I really want ARMY to know that Im in a relationship and I cant wait to tell them. I want to post a picture with it as the caption but I want to say it on person. Maybe at our next concert Ill announce it. Thatll be soon then. We are starting out Wings tour soon so I can do it then. Thatll be great.

Written: April 1, 2017

A/N: sorry uts such a short ass chapter. Im preparing for the next chapter. Its gonna be a major time skip to a few months later. Ill explain everything in the next chapter. Anyway, thanks for reading trash and please continue. Thanks!!! I love you!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

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