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Yoongi POV

Jin woke me up since we had gotten to the studio. I decided to look at my beautiful girlfriend and noticed who was laying on her lap. V had his head almost in between her legs with his arms wrapped around them. What was even worse what that he faced towards her. I noticed Jin looking at me and I tried to hide how pissed off I was. I twisted my body to crack my back and looked at V.

Jin shook V awake and he sat up rubbing his eyes. He looked at me and smiled. He must've thought I was just mad that I got woken up. He stood up, grabbed his things, and got off the van. Jin left after him and the only ones on the bus by now was Y/N, Namjoon and me.

Namjoon walked towards me and Y/N and smiled. "Contain your anger hyung. He doesnt know yet." He said and I nodded. V may not know about me and Y/N dating but he needs to back off. I shook Y/N awake as Namjoon was grabbing his things. He was gonna help with Y/N since I didnt want her carrying anything. She sat up and yawned. I smiled at her and stood up. Namjoon was walking towards the exit of the bus and I pulled Y/N into a hug. She smiled and I leaned in and gave her a soft kiss on her beautiful lips. I looked back and saw Namjoon looking at us smiling. I squinted and shook my head. He chuckled and walked off the bus. When I looked back at Y/N she was smiling.

"You're such a cutie." She said. I blushed and began to smother her in kisses. She was giggling and stopped me by pulling me into a long kiss. We pulled away and she breathed in.

"Lets go baby girl, gotta get my pratice in." I said and she nodded. We quickly picked up our things and went to where the studio was.


We got to the room where they would be praticing and all of the guys went to go change into workout clothes. I sat on a chair off to the side so I wouldnt be in the way of them praticing. It took about 5 minutes for all of them to finish getting ready and once they all walked out they started stretching.

"Y/N" Jimin called out to me.

"Yeah Chim Chim?" I asked as I walked towards him. He was laying on the floor and looked up to me.

"Can you walk on my back to pop it and loosen it up?" He asked. I nodded and he rolled over. I took off my shoes and started to walk on his back. He was grunting and I quietly laughed at him.

"Oooooooooo Y/N pop my back too!!" J Hope exclaimed. All the members looked towards me as they laughed at J Hope. I nodded and finished up with walking on Jimin. Jimin stood up and smiled to me and I did the same to him.

J Hope laid on the floor and made a horse sound. I laughed at him and he did too. When I stepped on his back, he grunted a bit and it made me laugh. Hearing them grunt because they are being walked on is hilarious. Once I noticed his back wasnt poping anymore, I got off of him and he stood up.

"Thank you angel!!" He said as he hugged me. I hugged him back and laughed.

"No problem. I dont mind. I like helping y'all." I replied. I went back to my seat and sat down crossing my legs. The guys finished stretching and went to get into their places. I watched them closely as they began. I hummed to the song and focused my attention on their dance moves. I noticed that the guys would watch me as they danced. Especially at the thrusting parts. I tried to ignore it. I looked at Yoongi and noticed that he was looking at me and licking his lips and also biting his tongue. I blushed a bit. I looked at the other guys to get my mind off of how Yoongi was making me feel.

It was now at the grinding part and Taehyung was in the middle lip syncing. He looked over to me and winked. I quickly looked away and saw how J Hope grinded. That boy may be cuddly and cute but he can sure as hell grind like a pro. Same for Jungkook and Jimin. That makes me wanna try to see if I could actually do it. I

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