The Strawhat Pirates

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Its strange She never trusted anyone before. These Strawhat guys they are really something. A sigh escaped her lips and she stood up from her spot and looked up at the sky, the twinkling stars reflecting in her amber eyes.

"Why am i even on this ship?" She sighs again rubbing her hand through her dirty blonde bangs.

All she did was give the captain food and he insisted she join his crew. She rejected but he said somthing about rejecting her rejection.

"Strange kid, persistent too," she mumbles.

He wouldn't stop pestering her but they finally came to an agreement. She'd sail with him till she finds the person shes looking for at least that was the plan. She can't help the Strawhats are growing on her. The sun started to peak at her from the sea signaling another sleepless night.

"Ahh miss Kanna you're up early," The newest member Brook purred from behind her causing her to jump slightly.

"Sorry for startling you miss. Would you like me to play a lovely tune this morning for you?" he questioned sweetly.

A faint smile crossed Kannas lips, "That would be lovely."

Brooks music allways seemed to keep her mind from wondering. The magical tune he played made everything seem to disappear. Kanna found herself falling asleep, entranced by the beautiful melody until it suddenly stopped.

"Good morning Zoro~." brook sang out waving his violin in the air.

Zoro just gave a grunt in response and slouched on the railing taking a swig of his bottle.

Kanna chuckled "Good morning Zoro."

He grunted, "Morning."

Brook faces Kanna "ah would you mind showing me your pant-," Brook started to ask but was inturupted by an empty bottle crashing in his skull.

Shortly After the rest of the crew started waking up. and Sanji started preparing breakfast. It was a typical morning for the strawhats, consisting of luffy stealing others food, earning a hit on the head from Nami or Sanji slapping Luffys hands with a spoon.
Kanna took off her red hood and sat it on the table, the string hearts dangling off the edge, and she then placed herself between Zoro and Ussop. Kanna looked down at her eggs, bacon, and toast and started drooling. Sanji made the best food imaginable. As she started to stab the wonderful fluffy goodness, also known as her eggs, a rubbery hand started slithering its way to them. Kanna shot up from her seat ready to defend her food but as luck would have it she tripped over her own two feet and fell backwards bringing her plate with her, scattering the wonderful goodness across my torso.

"Damn it Luffy!" she growled rubbing her now sore bottom.

"Shishishi sorry Kanna," He laughed sheepishly rubbing the back of his head.

Sanji whacked him up side the head. Kanna sat back in her seat and crossed her arms. Zoro handed her a plate and she looked at him confused.

"you can have the rest of mine." he said awkwardly.

"Aww thank you Zoro." Kanna smiled and started to dig in untill it was snached away again.

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