Sabody Archipelago

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   "Alright mongrels!" a booming voice jolted Kanna from her daze. 

He examined each cell and went back up to the deck. A few seconds later a few pirates and a marine came down.

'Waite a marine?' Kanna thought to herself and rolled her eyes, 'of course its a marine why am I not surprised.'

The marine held a clipboard in his hand looked at it and pointed at people, "Maka Shizune."

He looked back at his clipboard, pointed, and back at his clip board.

He continued to do this and Kanna lost interest until he called out her name, "and lastly I believed this woman is Kanna." He then pointed at her. 
After the marine left, the pirates that had followed him in opened the cells and Kanna saw some strange metal brace thing in there hands.  One of the pirates approached her and she quickly stood to her feet ready to fight this guy off.

  He only laughed at her, "What's a little gurl like yur self gunna do, eh?" 

With that said Kanna reeled her leg back and kicked him right in the groin area causing the pirate to yell, "You bitch!" before falling over.

Kanna wanted to kick the bastard a few more time but needed to get the hell off of this ship. Before she could take action two more pirates lunged them selves at her slamming her back against the ship's wooden walls, knocking the wind out of her in the process. Kanna quirmed to get free but it was no use her body was to weak for this.

'prolly shoulda worked more on physical training,' she mentally scolded to herself.

Then the two pirates managed to put the unfashionable brace around her neck then pulled her on deck.  What she saw was a beautiful island with bubbles everywhere and tall trees with numbers on them.  Kanna took a deep breath taking in the wonderful smell of fresh air.  Having been Smelling that awful stench down under deck for so long made her actually happy to actually smell fresh air.

Kanna looked to her right when she heard a man yell, "I-I cant. I won't. I'll never be a slave, I would rather die!"

Kanna watched as he made a run for it but no one bothered to chased him.

Kanna furrowed her eyebrows, 'why? Why are they just letting him run? Maybe I shou-.'

Kanna felt her heart stop as she watched the brace around the running man's neck explode.  She gripped hers as soon as it happened subconsciously. 

For once she feared for her life, 'I'm really going to die if I attempt to escape!'

Kanna looked around at the others finally understanding their fear, 'I can either live as a slave and possibly die, or hang on to the slim chance that I'll be saved?'

  They had split up the men and woman back at the ship so the women were now standing awkwardly waiting to be forcefully cleaned.  What made it so uncomfortable was the men that aligned the wall to keep watch in case they were to start trouble.  The up side though is that woman are bathing them and not the men. 

One of the ladies walked up to Kanna with a discussed face and clinching her noes, "God why do you all smell so bad?" she practically yelled. 

Kanna glared at the woman, "Maybe it's because I've been laying in God knows what for hours! So of course I smell like a sewage rat! I'm not any happier about it then you are believe me!"

Kanna took a deep breath to calm down and she ran her hand through her sticky and greasy hair.  She's usually not one to lose her temper but who wouldn't after all this.  The woman was taken back by Kannas outburst and everyone looked at her shocked.  Kanna didn't say anything afterwards.  The brace thing could go off at any second and she didn't want her head blown off at the moment. 

They then looked at Kannas clothing and scoffed, "We need to do something about your clothing. No one's gonna want to buy a woman dressed like that."

Kanna looked looks down at her  clothing confused.  She had on her Black Jacket that had red stripes going down the side of the arms forming a heart just at the end of the sleeve.  The length of the jacket went just bast her butt.  Underneath she wore back shorts that went a little past her jackets length and a white tubetop that's hidden because the jacket was is zipped compleatly up.  Her shoes were black combat boots that went up to her mid calve.

Kanna looked back at her, "What's wrong with my clothing? Sure they're dirty but-,"

"take them off," She rudely interrupted.

"Excuse me!?"

"I said take them off!" she grabbed at Kannas jacket, "I'll have them cleaned so maybe you'll be more presentable."

Kanna completely lost it.  She grabbed the woman by the hair, causing the woman to scream out, and bashed her face into the ground.  Kanna didn't noticed the two men coming to help the poor woman as she proceeded to kick the woman in the stomach. 

The men grabbed Kannas arms and pulled her back back and one spoke, "she's a feisty one isn't she?"

They proceeded to undress her.

"hey get of- what the hell are you doing!?" Kanna yelled.

Kanna squirmed and fought back till she remembered the brace around her neck and she stopped instantly.  After the men striped her of her clothing they threw her into the bath water and the women proceeded to wash her. 



  Kanna sat in new a cadge to be sold off as a slave.  She felt so violated and ashamed but at least she didn't smell like a sewage rat anymore....right? Kanna just sat there waiting.  There really wasn't much else she could  do.

Kanna kept thinking to herself, 'If only I were stronger I could of gotten out of here.'

She had lost that tiny bit of hope that she would be saved, at least until she spotted her.

The mermaid was struggling and crying and they had already put the brace onto her neck.

"Keimi" Kanna whispered. 

Keimi must of heard her because she looked straight at Kanna with a shocked expression. 

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