Shopping With Captain

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After  breakfast Kanna went back into her room.  She snagged one of Law's books from his room on the way and was in the middle of reading it.  It was a pretty interesting book.  It was the only non medical book she could find.  This book was more about war but with a hint of romance.  Kanna was completely absorbed in it and did not hear the knock at her door.  She also didn't notice Law had opened the door and was now standing in the door way till he said something.

"Kanna-ya." Law called making Kanna jump and look up from the book she's reading.

"What is it Captain?" Kanna asked.

"Come with me." Law smirked.

He turned and lef.  Kanna placed the book down and followed him.

"Where to?" Kanna asked looking up at him.

He didn't answer so she continued to follow him completely clueless as to where he was taking her.  They arrived at two familiar large doors.  He brought her to the infirmary for some reason.  He opened the doors and held it open for her to enter.  She enters the infirmity,  Law follows behind her and motions for her to sit down on one of the large beds.  

He walked over to Kanna dragging a tray of tools with him. He also pulled out a chair and sat in front of her.  He then grabs one of the tools off the tray.  As he brings his other hand close to her face Kanna flinches away from him. 

He frowns. 

"What are you doing?" She questions him suspiciously.

He sighs, "Your stitches Kanna-ya."

It was all he needed to say for Kanna to realize what he meant and she mumbled a quick, "oh, sorry."

He continues what he was doing and pulls the bandage off quickly.  He gently rubs his finger across the stitching making her shiver slightly.  Kanna wasn't used to him being so close, anyone being this close to her actually.  Kanna just sat stared at him he as he took out her stitches.  It didn't hurt so she didn't realize he had finished.  He took one last looked and hummed in approval.

"The scar is almost nonexistent." He mumbled with a hint a pride. 

Kanna reached to touch her forehead and sure enough if felt as if  the stitches were never there to begin with.  Kanna didn't know how bad the cut was to begin with but it made her wonder just how skilled he was.  Sure she's seen what he could do, like when he saved Luffy and Jinbei but something tells her that was a walk in the park for him. 

"Island ahead Captain. The island is called Alair. We are preparing to dock,"  Bepo call from the subs speakers. 


"Woahhh!" Shachi and Penguin looked at the island before them. 

It was a pretty big island from the looks of it and was decorated with many lights. It was strange how the sun refused to shine on the island so it was really dark except for the city because they had alot lights to keep it bright.  That's probably the reason why they had so many lights to begin with.  Kanna saw fireworks go off in the distance.

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