I Really Hate The Cold

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"You sure you're not coming?" Penguin asked.

"I hate the cold," Kanna wines.

"Stop whining and come on Kanna-ya, Captains orders," Law smirks.

Kanna growls and follows them off the ship. They ventured out into the islands only village. It was a small village on a small island. As they ventured around the village they noticed people weren't anywhere to be seen. Either theres no one on this island or they're hiding. Kanna looked over and saw someone peeking through a window but when they noticed her looking they slammed the window shut.

"They seem friendly," Kanna sais sarcastically snuggling closer to Bepo for warmth.

Its understandable that the villagers were scared, they're pirates after all. This was going to be a boring stay. Kanna saw someone walking along the street humming to himself. He was a handsome man who had show white hair and peircing icey blue eyes. Kanna couldn't look away form him for some reason. He seemed dangerous, very dangerous. He didn't look dangerous but she felt felt it. Somthing about him made her uncomfortable.

He walked up to the pirates, "Ah you must be tourist, yes?"

"When does the log post set?" Bepo asked shyly.

"Should take 3 days," He said holding up two fingers.

"uh your holding up two fingers." Shachi laughs at the man.

"Oh!" He quickly fixes his mistake, "one day."

"You just said three days and your holding up 4 fingers now!" Shachi yells at the man who smiles kindly.

Law clears his throat, "Who are you?"

"Gel, names Gel," He smiles brightly but it sent chills down Kannas spine.

He skips over to Kanna and takes her hand in his. The crew turns to them with raised eyebrows. Law silently glares at the shorter male. He wouldn't admit to it but he felt a hint of jealousy.

Kanna rudely shake his hand off before his lips made contact.

"D-dont touch me," Kanna sais rudely taking a step away from the creepy male.

His touch was extremely cold like ice. It felt as if she would freez just touching him. It was an unsettling feeling.

He frowned at her, "That was rude ya know."

He then disappears in the wind like snow.

"He must me a Devil Fruit eater," Law states, "We must keep our guard up. He seemed dangerous."

Kanna was glad she wasn't the only one who realized it. That guy may be handsome but he is dangerous. Maybe they arn't the reason the villagers hid themselves. Gel could be the real reason they hide.

"Donti you and your guys go gather food needed till the next island," Law orders, "Ben you and your guys gather the things needed to install a bathroom and bring it back to the Polar Tang."

"Aye-aye Captain!" They all salute and leave.

"Uh captain what do you want us to do?" Penguin asks pointing at himself then to Kanna and Shachi.

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