Captain Did What?!

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Law and Kanna left the Polar Tang to meet up with the rest of the crew.  They were at a restaurant with many empty plates already stacked on the table.  Law and Kanna placed themselves at the table.  Kanna sat between Law and Ben. 

"So how was your date with Captain?" Ben asked with a cheeky grin.

Kanna could tell he was picking on her.  He wanted to get an amusing reaction out of her but she had a better idea.   Instead of giving him the reaction he's expecting she figured she'll say something he won't expect.  Kanna smirked at the idea.

"Oh it was wonderful we went shopping, held hands, and after we went to the Sub and Captain gave me something a little extra." Kanna said the last part seductively with a wink. 

Law spit out his food all-over Donti who was in shock and hadn't realized the specks of chewed food on his face.  The rest of the crew spit out their food as well and looked at their Captain with envy.  Kanna let out a booming laugh making the whole restaurant stare at the pirates with nasty looks.  Kanna wiped the tears from her eyes and held onto her side.

"K-kanna-ya, don't make it sound so wrong!" Law half yelled out of embarrassment his face a light shade of pink.

"Yeah we know Captain wouldn't..... would he?" Shachi asked then looked at Penguin who was holding his nose.

"I-i didn't think they had that kind of relationship already." Penguin comments face beet red.

Bepo looked at everyone with innocent eyes, "What did captain do?"

"Captain had sex with Kanna." Ben answered Bepo making the crew nosebleed at the image of their captain and Kanna.

"No we did not!" Law yelled face an even darker shade of red now.

Kanna couldn't contain her laughter any longer and fell out of her chair.  She was now rolling on the ground clutching her stomach.  Law had a deadly aura surrounding him,  he was pretty mad.

"We didn't," Kanna took a deep breath, "we didn't do anything like that."

She got off the ground and sat back in her seat.

"Then what was that special something Kanna?" Ben asked with suspicion in his voice.

"He got me a revolver because my rifle is still broken nothing more." Kanna answered between laughs holding her hand up in defense.

"Ohhhhh!" The crew said in unison with relief.

Law was quiet for our rest of their time at the restaurant.  Kanna never would of imagined Law got embarrassed so easily.  Maybe it was because it was in front of his crew.  It seems he has a soft spot for them.  She found it kinda cute.  Law was sulking while eating his food, stabbing it harshly.  Kanna felt kinda bad but at the same time she got a good laugh out of it, everyone did, except Law. 

After dinner they all went back to the sub. Man was Kanna was beat.  Shopping was tiring and having a big meal afterwards only made her sleepy.  They others however didn't want to go to bed yet.  It wasn't like it was really late or anything.  It was probably almost 7:00pm.  It was hard to tell since it always seems like it was late at night on this island. 

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