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   Kanna slowly opened her eyes and saw the metal brace that was once around her neck hit the ground. He helped her at the last second.  Kanna eyes trailed up from the ground and into the eyes of her savior, who had an irritating smirk plastered on his face, looking right back into her eyes.

'Was he toying with me? Why?' Kanna asked  herself.

"Now you owe me your life." He said as he turned his back to her and motioned for her to follow him, his crew not far behind. 

Kanna  ran to catch-up to him, "What's that supposed to mean? Did you do that on purpose?" she half yelled at the taller male,  who was probably a foot taller then her. 

"It means your joining my crew."

"What? I dont want to be a pi-" Kanna stopped when she saw the warlord Bartholomew Kuma and that red haired Captain. 

What was Kuma doing here?! He almost killed the Strawhats and her back on Thriller Bark. This is bad. This is really, really bad.  The hat wearing man and his crew weren't paying attention to her anymore so Kanna simply made her way to where she thought the Strawhats would be.  They probably went to their ship so She figured she'd keep an eye out for the Sunny.  Running through the tall trees she saw marines capturing pirates or pirates killing marines but saw no sign of the Strawhats. 

"ZORO!!" Kanna stopped when when heard Chpper yell.

'That didn't sound good.' She thought.

Kanna ran towards the sounds of the Strawhats screams.  She wasn't prepared for what she saw.  Another Bartholomew Kuma or was it the same one from earlier?  Did he already kill those other pirates?  She wasn't running that long and she knows they couldn't have been that weak....could they?

"Kanna!" Kanna looked at Franky who held up her rifle.

She ran over to him and Nami, who stood behind him.

"What's going on and where's Zoro?" Kanna asked Franky while taking rifle from him. 

"He just- He just disappeared. We don't know what happened but we have to get out of here." Franky said with a shaky voice.

"But Zoro!" Nami cried.

"The captain said we can figure that out after were safe come on." He started running, Nami and Kanna followed not far behind.

It was hard to run with all the yelling behind them.  Kanna felt as if she was abandoning the others when they needed help.  He was picking them off one by one. Kanna looked behind her to see what was going on but there was no sign of Kuma. 

'Where?' she thought.

"Get the hell out of our way!" Franky yelled pulling off the skin on his fist, "Strong Right!"

Kanna turned around and saw Frankys hand shoot out like a rocket with a chain connected and it Kuma in the face one second and the next he was gone.  Kanna wanted to run but she couldn't, her body wasn't responding with what she wanted it to do. All she could do was stand there as he raises his hand and swings at her.

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