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Kanna awoke to the swaying of a ship.  Still cuffed but she was glad she didn't have that foul tasting cloth in her mouth anymore.  She felt something was missing on the top of her head and reached to feel it, only to realize that her hood had fallen off somewhere.  Kanna begin to panic. That hood means everything to her without it she felt empty.  It may not have been her father's but it was similar and made her feel safe.  Kanna felt tears prickle at her eyes and a suffocating lump formed in her throat. 

'Now is not the time to cry Kanna, its just a stupid hood.' Kanna took a deep breath to calm herself down.
     She sat up and observed her surroundings. It was dark, damp, and smelled of sweat, blood, and waste.  She gaged at the smell when it hit her. there were many cadges across the walls with few people in them. Some cadges held crying children, grown men, and beautiful woman.  At the end of the cadges she saw a shadow that was biger then any man she had ever seen.

      Kanna looked to her left at a man, who looked to be middle aged, sitting beside her. He was in the same cadge as her and in talking distance. He had long curly black hair with a beard to match and wore your typical captain attire on ,with a hat.  So Kanna assumed he was a captain or maybe former captain now.  

    Observing him more she noticed he was shaking and showed no signs of it stopping.  She too was scared but not to that extent.  Could it be because she doesn't know where they are headed and he does? 

He noticed Kanna staring at him and she took this chance to talk to him.

"Where are we headed?" Kanna asked.

    "We-were going to an auction house to be sold off as slaves," He trembels more at the thought. 

     Kanna begin to worry for her well being at the thought of becoming someone's slave, "And where would that be?"

     He turns away from her, "sabody archipelago."


  Luffy and the others had lost the ship kanna was on.  

  "Kanna!!!" Luffy yelled gripping her hood with both hands. 

    Everyone els had kept quiet upset at the fact they had lost her and could not save her from the other pirates.

Finally Robin had spoke up, "The ship appeared to be headed the same direction as us. They could be going to Sabody Archipelago and if that's the case then-."

Nami cut her off raising her fist in the air, "We can still save her, There's hope!"
Luffy became more determined to save his friend and yelled at the top of his lungs, "Ya hear that Kanna!? We will save you no matter what!"
The others smiled at Luffys out burst and yelled in unison together, "To Archipelago to save Kanna!!!" 

With determination the Strawhats sailed onwards to Sabody Archipelago to save their friend.

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