The Heart Pirates

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  Kanna woke up with a extremely painful headache. She put her hand onto her head and felt a soft fabric wrapped around it. She must have injured herself somehow.  Kanna tried to sit up but became dizzy and laid back down onto the not so soft mattress. 

"Where am I?" She asked as she looked around.

There was metal everywhere and it smelled clean in here, like a hospital, but not to overwhelming.  It was kinda hot in here and the lights were off, except a small soft light on the ceiling, so it was kind of dark in the room.  Her dizziness had died down, as she took in her surroundings, so she made another attempt to get up.  She slid herself off the bed and lost her footing, slipping onto the cold metal floor and taking the blanket with her as she hit the ground.

"ouch that kinda hurt," She wined rubbing her bottom.

Kanna tried to get up only to fall back down and only then did she realize that she was tangled into the blanket.  She pulled and yanked at the blanket to break free but it proved to be more difficult then she thought. 

"Great I can't even get out of a meisely blaket," Kanna yelled out of annoyance and pulled at the blanket ahain, "Gahh seriously!"

Kanna stopped when she heard someone snicker and looked around till she found the owner of the irritating sound.  There were two men standing at the wide door snickering at her. They turned on the lights blinding her for a second.  When her eyes adjusted to the light she could now see the two male figures better. They both wore beige overall suites and hats that covered their eyes.  One had a hat that said 'Penguin' across it and with a fluffy ball on top.  The others hat was a blueish colored hat with a pinkish brim and you could see his mid length brownish red hair stick out from underneath the hat.

They looked oddly familiar. 'ah they're in that guys crew- that guy with the funny hat, right?' Kanna guessed lightly hitting her fist in her palm.

"aww she's stuck." the one with the penguin hat chuckled.

"She's cute when she's suck." The other guy spoke.

"Hey Shachi should we tell Captain she's up?" The guy with the penguin hat asked his friend.

'So Shachi is that guys name.' Kanna made a mental note.

"You tell him Penguin while I help her," Shachi blushed behind his hat and glasses.

'and the other one is Penguin. Should of guessed as much.' Kanna chuckled slightly at his name.

"Awww! fine I'll go get Captain." Penguin stomped out of the room leaving me and Shachi.

Shachi walked up to Kanna and grabbed the blanket, "here let me help you out."


"How did this even happen?" Kanna groaned. "You were no help at all..."

"Defeated by a blanket." Shachi sighed in defeat.

Shachi had been working on freeing Kanna from the blanket to only get stuck in it himself.  So now they sat, a little to close for comfort, waiting for the others to return. This blanket must have been the most complicated blanket known to man.  It was really dead set on keeping them tied up.  Maybe the blanket had a mind of its own.  Now that's a scary thought.

"Shachi move your damn foot that hurts!" Kanna complained and pushed at him.

"I can try. Oh!"


Shachi turned completely red once he realized what he had touched and even had the guts to squeeze again. He smiled a perverted smile taking a good feel of her soft brests.

"Shachi!" Kanna yelled before headbutting the pervert for grabbing her brest. 

"Ouch! Hehehehe. Sorry." He giggled to himself while a small drop of blood ran down his nose. 

Kanna tried to at least yank one arm out of the blanket but doing that only made it tighter. She continued to struggle untill she saw a tattooed hand grab her shoulder.  She stopped and looked up to the owner who had an amused smirk plastered on his face.  With one swift tug on the blanket they were free.

Shachi fell backwards, "Thanks Capt'n."

The fluffy hat wearing man hands the blanket to the white bear that Kanna hadn't noticed was there till now.  Kanna also saw Penguin not far behind them trying not to laugh.  She became a little irritated but she had to admit it was pretty funny....if it wasn't her that it happened to.  Kanna was more embarrassed at how it all played out.  Now that she was free she rememberd that she has no idea why she was here and what was going on. 

"How did it get here? What happened?" Kanna asked.

But remember what happened to the Starwhats made her start panicking.

"Where's Luffy.....and the others? What happened?" Kanna put her hand to her head as she started becoming dizzy.

"Calm down Kanna-ya," The Fuzzy hat man spoke, "I'll answer your questions after you have calm down."

Kanna took a seat back onto the bed, "How did you know my-"

"Slave auction."

"ah right," She had almost forgot about the auction, "So um Mr. Fuzzy hat-"

"My name is Trafalgar Law."

"Ah sorry Traflogger." she corrected.

Law made an irritated facial expression that made Kanna flinch a bit, 'Did I say that wrong? It's pronounced Traflogger right? There no way I got that wrong.'

Law broke her from her thoughts, "To answer you first question, your here because I brought you here.  I'm not sure how it happened but you had crash landed onto one of the fake Kumas that had attached us.  I actually wanted to ask you what happened."

Shachi cut into their conversation, "You really saved us. I don't think we could have took on another one of those things."

Kanna only became more confused, "Last thing I remember is the Strawhats disappearing one by one by Kuma himself.  He must have got me too."

"Must be one of his abilities. I've heard he could send people flying for three days." Law states, "So if he sent them flying somewhere I'm sure they are fine.  As for Luffy we are going to get him."

"Wait what?"

Law then filled Kanna in on what was going on.  It seemed that Portgas D. Ace, who she remembered Luffy saying was his brother, was to be executed live for the world to see.  He told her that because of this an all out war broke out between pirates and the marines.  Law also said that she's been asleep for a few days and had missed alot.

"So we're heading towar-"

"Yes, we are heading towards Marineford" he smirked.

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