Saving Luffy

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"We're here Captain!" someone called from the subs communication device.

Law was in the middle of taking off Kannas bandages.  He said she should be fine now but wanted to see how the wound on her head had healed. She found his fingers surprisingly soft as they skimmed across her forehead.  He skillfully finnished unwrapping her head and nodded slightly in approval. Kanna went to touch her forehead but Law swatted her hand away and gave her a disapproved look.

"Don't touch the stitching Kanna-ya." He ordered

Kanna gave him a soft glare and puffed out her cheeks, "Fine."

He put a bandage on her stitches and heads twards the large door motioning for her to follow. 

Kanna carefully slide herself off the bed and follow him, "Where are you talking me?"

"I want you to stay in the submarine when we emerge from the water."

He opened a large metal door, "This is the control room.  Stay here until I say otherwise."

'This guy is really bossy,' Kanna thought.

"Captain we're ready to emerge on your command," One man in beige overalls informed saluting at Law.

"Go ahead," Law turned and left as the guys pressed buttons and the sub began heading towards the surface. 

Kanna was amazed at the fact that this was their ship.  A submarine as a pirate vessel.  It was very well thought out.  You could avoid unwanted attention and battles just by submerging into the water.  It made her wonder if Law was some sort of genius.  Sure he was a doctor but that doesn't make him smart in other aspects.

Kanna looked around at the other crew members and noticed they all wore those same overalls with some kind of hat.  Was it mandatory or something?  She cought some of the men staring at her and she stuck her tounge out at them earning a laugh from them in return. 

She smiled at them, 'They don't seem like bad people. '

One of the guys approached her, "So your one of the new members?  Names Ben."

"I never agreed to join," Kanna sighed shaking her head, "but my name's Kanna."

He just smiled at her.  He had on a simple tan hat and like the others it covered half of his face and the typical beige overalls. Kanna really wanted to know why they all practically dressed the same, even the hats were similar. 

"You'll have to excuse some of the men here," Ben chuckled, "They're not used to women."

"Oh, is that so?" Kanna giggled and looked at the men behind Ben. 

They were blushing with smiles on their faces. When her eyes landed on one he would give her a shy wave.

Bart Jean came barging into the control room, "Prepare to submerge now!"

Ben ran back to his post and the Submarine started to submerge.  Not long after they had submerged Kanna was knocked off her feet and into the ground.  The Sub had just been hit by something. 

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