Getting Captain Drunk

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Bepo and Kanna stood on deck as Law negotiates with the marines at Marineford.  Kanna leaned against the railing resting her head on her arms.  She was bored.  they have been standing here for awhile waiting. 

Kanna sighs deeply, 'Just open the crate already!' She mentally yells banging her head on her arms.

Bepo looks at her strangely before giving his attention back to his Captain.  Two Marines cautiously approach the crate probably thinking it's some kind of trap.  Kanna was eager to see their reaction once they see what's in there.  She was so eager that she hadn't noticed she was leaning dangerously close to the edge of the railing. 

"Open it...Open it," Kanna mumbled , "Open i- AKk!" She shreaks almost falling over the edge. 

Bepo calmly grabbed her collar before she could fall over. He saw it coming.  The crew had gotten used to her clumsy nature.  When Law heard Kanna squeel he looked over his shoulder for a split second. Kanna smiled at him sheepishly scratching my cheek.  Bepo then placed her back on her feet and she backs away from the dangerous railing.

"Ahhhhhh!!" a man screamed dropping one of the hearts he had picked up out of curiosity.

Kanna bursts out laughing at his reaction.  It was exactly what she thought it would have been.  All the other Marines started hovering over the crates curious.  They wanted to know what scared their comrade so much. 

"Hearts! It's a crate is full of beating hearts!" One man yelled. 


The whole crew sat in the kitchen to celebrate Law becoming a Warlord.  Law said it was unnecessary but they dragged him here regardless if he wanted join to or not.  Dochi made more food then usual and brought out his personal stash of sake.  They gathered around their Captain cups in hand.

  "Cheers!" They yell clanking their cups together and downed the sake in one go. 

Little did Law know that Penguin, Shachis, and Kannas goal was to get him drunk.  Bepo said it wouldn't be easy because he's only seen Law drunk once and that it wasn't pretty.  They didn't listen to Bepos small warning, they still wanted to see Law drunk.  Law is stubborn they know that much but Penguin and Shachi said they had a plan.  They didn't fill Kanna in on the plan though but they assured her that it would work.  Kanna was munching on a turkey leg when she saw Shachi and Penguin approache Law all casual like with devious grins on their faces.

"Say Captain?" Penguin asked.

Law was in he middle of his drink and 'hummed' as a response.  The two guys behind him gave each other a quick glance then towards Kanna before they look back twards their captain. 

"We we're wondering if you wanted to play a game?" Penguin requests. 

Law cocks an eyebrow and puts his drink on the table, "why?"

Shachi steps in, "We're celebrating, why not?"

"I'll pass," Law declines.

"Alright," Penguin sais then turns to the crew, "Hey guy let's play a drinking game!"

The guys cheer and Shachi looks at Kanna and grins.  The grin was mischievous and it made her wonder what exactly they had in mind.  she threw the turkey leg bone into the trash and picked up her,  drink taking a sip. 

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