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After Law took Dereks heart, the pirates dropped his uncouncious body off somewhere on the island.  Afterwards they stayed submerge underwater for a few days waiting for things to blow over because Law didn't want any trouble.  He would much rather avoid conflict if possible.   It was pretty boring and hot in the sub.  The sub gets hot when submerged and it made Kanna feel bad for poor fluffy Bepo, for obvious reasons.  Law seemed distant these past few days too.  She wasn't sure what his problem was but She shook it off.  Kanna didn't really know Law all that well so she didn't know his usual routine.  Him being distant could be normal for him. 

Dinner time rolled around and Kanna was on her way to the kitchen.  She grabbed a tray, thanking Donti for the food, and sat down at her usual spot by Sachi and Ben.  Kanna noticed Law wasn't here so she looked around but saw no sign of him.

"Where's Captain?" She asked taking a bute of her grilled fish. 

"Dunno, he could be in his room still.....He does that.....sometimes." Shachi answers inbetween bites. 

"He is probably coming up with some maniacal scheme to take over the world." Ben jokes.

"Ohh like last time?" Penguin snickers.

"Heheheh..Who knows what goes on in that head of his," Shachi laughs.

"Sounds like fun!" Kanna giggles.

After dinner the guys decided that they wanted to play a drinking game.  The rules were simple, everytime Bepo apologizes take a drink.  Kanna was hesitant at first but decided to go ahead and play with them.  She wasn't much of a drinker......it only made her more clumsy, so she does her best to avoid getting drunk. 

"Im sorry," Bepo apologizes about something random and bows his head. 

They took a drink, and another,and another.  Kanna never noticed how much the bear apologized till now. 
Guess that's why they made a drinking game out of it.  The game didn't last long though.  Bepo had went to bed before anyone could get drunk, much to their disappointment.  Kanna drank the last bit of her booze and went to her room.   She took off her uniform, leaving her in her shorts and tubetop. She spotted the book she had borrowed from Law.  She finnished it earlier so she figured she'd return it. 

So now she stood awkwardly at Laws door trying to find the courage to knock.  Kanna wasn't nervous before but for some reason she was nervous now.  She took a deep breath and knocked three times. 

No answer. 

"What's the point of knocking if he's never in there when I do?" Kanna grumbles and opens the door. 

Kanna walked in and saw Law sound asleep on his desk, his head resting on his crossed arms.  She walked over to him and took in his sleeping face.  He seemed so innocent when he's sleeping like he has never done a bad thing in his life.  His hat was barely on his head only his arm held it in place.  Kanna giggled at how cute he looked and carefully walked around him and placed his book back where it belonged, on his shelf beside the desk.  Law let out a soft groan and Kanna froze. 

'I didn't wake him did I?' she panics.

Law could be grumpy when woken up for all she know and she didn't want to get yelled at.

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