The Three Supernovas In Action

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   They led Kanna off stage with the rest of the sold slaves.  A few more people were sold off before they brought out Keimi.  They had put her into a thick glass filled with water.  When the crowd saw her they went crazy!  There were 'oohs' and 'ahhs' followed by people clapping.  Not to long after the bidding started Kanna heard a loud crash and people started screaming.  She couldn't tell what was going on where she stood, all she could see was the stage.  Kanna took notice that the guards weren't paying attention to them anymore.  They were more focused on the commotion off the stage.  Kanna took this chance to make an escape.  She slowly backed away between the others, almost tripping here and there, untill she finally squeezed her way out of them.  The only exit she knew of was the one she had came in when they brought her here, so she made her way towards that direction. 

   "Did ya hear all the noise?" A guard asked to his partner who walkd beside him.

  Kanna stumbled behind a crate as soon as she heard him speak, "Yeah they said some pirate captain punched one of the Celestial Dragons in the face."

"woah! that's what happened? Does he have a death wish?"

"Seems like it so they called all of us to take him out."

  'sounds like something Luffy would do.' Kanna giggled. 

When she couldn't see them anymore she ran towards the exit.  She was actually surprised that she didn't get cought during her great escape.  Kanna pushed the door open and came face to face with the marines but they didn't seem to care about her once they realize she had the brace around her neck so Kanna nonchalantly made her way to the front.  Her guess was that they were more interested in not letting the pirates escape and nothing else. When she reached the front she saw even more marines.

"Damn they have this place surrounded.  Good thing I'm not a pirate." Kanna mumbles. 

"I wouldn't go to far or that will go off." A deep voice warned her.

Kanna stopped in her tracks and looked at him, "Then what do you suppose I do?"

"Give up."

"G-give up?" Kanna walked over to him, "I won't just give up"

"The you'll die"

"Well your a blunt one," Kanna said  flipping down beside him, "Who are you anyways?"

"I was known as Jean Bart before I became this"

"How did," Kanna stopped talking when she heard Luffys voice.

"I said I'll handle it!" Luffy yelled.

"You two back off  I've got this." A deep voice Kanna hasn't heard before yelled back.

"You two can keep arguing while I take them out." Another new smooth voice chuckled.

    Kanna stares at the front entrance and saw three figures walk out.  One was a big and buff guy with red spikey hair the other was that guy with the funny hat and a yellow hooded shirt with, what she assumed to be, his jolly Roger on the front. Lastly stood Luffy cracking his knuckles with a big grin.

       Kanna watched in awe as the three took out marine after marine.  Kannas already seen Luffy fight before but she still couldn't get used to his strange devil fruit ability.  The other two have some pretty interesting abilities too.  The redhead was like a magnet he would bring metals to himself and shoot them right back at the marines but what cought Kannas attention was the other unknown guys ability.  He completely dismembered the marines bodies. You'd think it would be a gruesome sight but no blood was present and it was quite funny to watch.  Kanna watched him put heads where arms should be, legs where heads should be, and he even stuck some of there limbs onto barrels.  Kanna couldn't hold back her laughter at the sight of the marines.  The fluffy hat wearing pirate hurd her giggle and smirked to himself.

It seems the rest of the Strawhats had finally made it out side along with others Kanna didn't know.  Kanna was to immersed in the fight before her,  she hadn't noticed that the Strawhats had already made a run for it. She started following then then realized she was still trapped by the exploding brace around her neck.  She looked back at Bart and watched as the guy with the funny fluffy hat had taken the neck brace off like it was nothing.  Kanna saw an opportunity so she's gonna take it.  She slowly approached the Capitan and tapped him on the shoulder and he turned to look at her confused for a second before his smirk returned.  Kanna smiled sheepishly at him.

"Would you...mind helping me too?" she asked pointing at the brace.

He looked at her for a second as if in deep thought then she saw a mischievous smirk form on his smug face as he turned to leave.  Kanna reached out and grabbed the mans arm tripping in the process but used him to keep my balance, almost causing him to lose his balance.  He let out a frustrated gruny and looked down at the clumsy blonde with an irritated look on his face.

Kanna smiled awkwardly, "Please don't leave."

"Let go," He tried shaking her off but she held on tighter,  wedging his arm between her brests.

"Plea-" Kanna stopped instantly and let go of the mans arm when heard heard the ticking of the exploding brace.

  Funny hat guy turned around and quickly realized the situation she was in.


Kanna looked up at the hat wearing man with tears beginning to blur her vision.  He just looked at her, with an expression she couldn't read, showing no signs of helping me.  Kanna closed her eyes, silently pleading for his help.

Tick.......tick....tick....tick..tick tick.

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