We Have a Problem [Part 2]

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"Then I'll do it for you," Law sighs.

Law and Kanna stood in Laws bathroom awkwardly still stuck in each others bodies.  Law was in the middle of unbuttoning the spotted pants he always wore against Kannas  protest.  She would push his hands away from the button, sometimes slapping his hand.  Kanna found it wrong and weird.  Either let Law, in her body, do it or she do it herself in his body.  She wasn't happy with either option. 

"Kanna stop it!" Law growls while still trying to unbutton the spotted pants. 

"No! You stop it!" she growls back.

Law finally unbuttoned the spotted pants and the zipper soon followed.  Law tried to pull the pants down but became frustrated when they didn't come down.  Kanna held them in place.  Law looked up to her seeing how flustered and embarrassed she was at their situation.  Law would be lying if he said it didn't make him feel awkward. 

"Kanna it's not like I haven't seen my own penis!  I don't get why your so embarrassed." Law growls still tugging at the pants but they didn't budge.

"Its weird!" she grumbles tightening her hold on the pants.

Law just sat on his knees infront of Kanna glaring at her and she gave him one in return.  Both of them were equally stubborn.


  "Captain seemed weird this morning didn't he?" Shachi mumbled to his friend Penguin who nods in agreement.

"He actually ate bread! Also Kanna seemed more quite then usual and.....moody."

Shachi nods, "Strange."

The two males pondered at the thought for a second as the stroll down the halls of the sub.  They didn't really have a destination in mind untill they started wondering what was wrong with their Captain.  They look at each other and with a nod they made a silent agreement to go check on their Captain.  They approached their Captain door and both knocked two times simultaneously.  When they didn't hear a reply they look at each other, both nod, and then they crack open the door.  Shachi crouching under Penguin so both could peek through the crack. 

"See anything?" Shachi whispered.

"No not ye-" Penguin stopped when he looked in his Captains bathroom, the bathroom door hanging wide open for him to get a good look inside. 

"What?" Shachi askes growing impacient and nudges Penguin in the side causing the male to force the door open a little more.

Shachi froze when he saw the scene in the bathroom.

"Just let me to it!" Law hissed, still stuck in Kannas body. 

Shachi and Penguin inches the door open to get a better look.  Before them stood a very much embarrassed 'Law' and a very impacient 'Kanna' who was kneeling infront of his crotch, back facing them, trying to pull their 'Captains' pants down.  Both mens' faces turned a dark shade of red and the pressure trickled down their noses.  Law and Kanna finally notice the two mens presence and divert their attention away from what they were doing. 

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