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Both Kanna and Law turn their heads twards the cracked metal door.  Kanna quickly tried to sit up but wacked her forehead against Laws,  making the man jump off of her hissing in pain.  Kanna fell back onto the bed holding her throbbing head with her, now free, hand.

"Captain you in here?" Shachi asked peeking his head in the door. 

He smiled when he saw his captain.  Law was in the process of taking out the needle in the tattoo gun with a scowl on his face.  Shachi noticed the red tint in his captains cheeks and the growing lump on his forehead. 

"Ow..." Kanna groaned sitting up on the bed. 

She too had a red tint to her cheeks and a lump on her forehead.

Shachi cocked his head to the side, "Somthing happen?"

"No," both Kanna and Law eagerly deny, only making Shachi suspicious.

"I feel like I missed something?"

The room got quite and Kanna averted her eyes away from Shachi as the red tint in her cheeks grew darker. 

"What do you want?" Law finally broke the silence. 

"Oh yeah! You told me to come in here in about an hour to finnish your tattoos."

Law mentally face palmed,  he forgot he said that.  He glances at the blushing woman beside him on the bed.  She had detracted him with.....

Laws eyes trail across Kannas rather exposed body.

"Kanna put your suit back on." He narrows his eyes at Shachi,  who had a stupid smile on his face and a blush.

Without her uniform she had little to nothing on and Law didn't want anyone but him seeing her like that, especially his crew.

Kanna jumps off the bed but loses her footing and stumbles forward with a small scream.  Law sighs and simply holds out his arm for her to fall into.

"Careful Kanna," Law mumbles.

She gives Law a sheepish grin and gets back to her feet,  "Yeah my bad...."

Law goes back to replacing the needle of the tatto gun for Shachi to use.

"Do you still have the stencil for my chest tattoo?" Law questions Shachi. 

Shachi holds up the thin piece of paper, "ready when you are."

Law nods and takes off his hoodie, "I'd rather get that one over with first."

Law sits onto the bed and glaces at Kanna.  He smirks when she quickly averts her eyes and finnishes zipping up her suit, her face growing red from being cought checking him out.

Shachi puts on a pair of gloves and pulls out an alcohol pad and brings it to his captains bare chest.  Law involuntarily flinches when the cold cloth hits his skin.  Shachi then places the stencil against Laws chest and pulling the paper off,  leaving an outline.  The redhead then pours black ink into another container,  fills the needle,  and begins tattooing his captains chest.   Kanna hovered over Shachis shoulder to watch,  she found it pretty interesting. 

Shachi traced the lines of the large tattoo,  Law didn't show any signs of pain he just sat there looking pretty content,  aside the need to move after awhile.


After a few hours of watching Shachi tattoo Law,  Kanna got bored and left the room. 

Since it had been about two hours she went to her room and stood in front of her mirror in only her tube top and shorts,  she was eager to see her new and permanent tattoo. 

She slowly pealed the bandage off her thigh with her eyes closed.  Once it was completely off she opened one eye and chuckled. 

"Really Law?" She sweatdropped.

She smiled at the tattoo that smiled back at her. 

She should have know that Law would mark her with his jolly roger.  She didn't hate it,  in fact she loved it.  She twirled around in the mirror childishly.  In fact it looked...

"Pretty cool." Kanna humms. 

"Mhmm glad to see you like it."

Kanna squeals and turns to face the tall mad leaning against her door frame.  He had a smirk plastered on his face and his left hand tucked into his pocket. 

"Wh-when did you get there?" Kanna yelped holding her hand over her beating heart. 

"A while" 

"Creep," she mumbles.

Law chuckles and walks to stand behind her and wraps his arms around her bare stomach,  pulling her into him and rests his chin onto her shoulder.  Kanna shivers as the scruffy hairs on his chin graze against her skin.  She stares at Laws tall and slim figure reflecting through the mirror,  she looked so small in his arms.

"You're such a distraction," Law breathed against her soft skin, grazing his lips across her shoulder, making her gasp and blush.

He smirked and placing a gental kiss on her shoulder.

She bit her lip and leaned into him when Law slipped his toung across her skin and started sucking on the sweet flesh for a second before releasing his hold on her and walkinf twards the door.

"If your not going to wear your uniform then put your jacket on."  He called out with a smirk before closing her bedroom door. 

She raises her eyebrow at the devious smirk he gave her before closing the door.   She turned to look in the mirror once more and froze.  A small sigh escaped her lips once her eyes landed on the small darkening circle on her shoulder.  He was going to make sure she covered herself up.  She reaches to the mark and rubs her finger across it as her sheeks turn pink.

"Creep..." she giggles.

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