A Little Swim

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"So Bone-ya was that skeleton with Strawhat-ya?" Law asks.

"Yeah I didn't think I would see him so soon," Kanna answes excitedly.

Law, Bepo, and Kanna sat backstage in Brooks dressing room waiting for him. They had snuck in there without being seen. The concert was over and They had really enjoyed the.  Kanna noticed Brook was more spunky when on stage then when he just played his violin.  Brook stepped into his dressing room and looked at Kanna surprised.  She smiled and waved at him.

"Miss Kanna!" he yelled and danced over to her and grabs her hand planting a kiss on it (if that were possible he is a skeleton after all)

He then asked her, "Ah may I see your panties?"

Law looked kinda of surprised at Brooks question and looked at her. Law was surprised at Brooks straight forwardness. Kanna laughed at Brook.  She's grown used to Brooks behavior and it didn't bother her... anymore.  He was a innocent pervert much like the Heart Pirates.  He wouldn't force anything on her.

"I missed you too, you bag of bones!" Kanna giggles jumping out of her chair and gave Brook a big hug. 

"Oh Miss Kanna I can die happy now.... ah if weren't already, Yhohohohohohoho!" Brook laughs.

Kanna lets go of him, "I'm so glad your still alive.......well for the most part at least."

"Yhohohohoh- Eh?" Brook finally noticed Law and Bepo and starts freaking out, "T-t-thats T-tra-traflogger and a b-b-bear!"

Laws eye twitches at how Brook said his name, "It's Trafalgar."

"I'm sorry," Bepo apologizes for no apparent reason.

"It's okay Brook calm down," Kanna walks behind Law and place her hands on his shoulders.  She leaned forward so her face was beside his,  cheeks almost touching.

"He saved my life and he even saved Luffys." She giggles

Brook stops freaking out and bows to Law, "Thank you for that!"

"I did it on a whim no need to thank me."

"It's getting late we should get ba-" Law suddenly stopped talking and had a serious expression on his face.

"What is it Captain?" Bepo asked.

"Marines. We need to go. Now!" Law quickly gets off and jumps out of the window followed by Bepo. 

"Hey wait up! Bye Brook!" Kanna quickly waves at Brook and goes to jump out of the window.

  "That's a pretty long fall....." She hesitates.

"Come on Kanna-ya!" Law orders.

Kanna hesitantly jump out of the window knowing her clumsy ass wont land gracefully.  She watched as the ground got closer to her and then a fluffy bear blocked her vision, catchinge before she hit the ground.

Kanna nuzzels Bepos fluffy neck, "thank you bepo!"

"I'm sorry," he apologizes and starts running to the ship, Law following behind them. 

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