The Truth

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Kanna enters a large and dark room that was only lit by a single window. In the windowsill sat a large man with a feathery pink coat that hung on his shoulders. He looks straight at her once she enters the room. He was surprised at first but soon a large crazy looking grin formed on his face.

"What brings your here my beautiful niece?" Doflamingo coos.

"I'm here to get vengeance on my father! Help me kill Trafalgar Law!" Kanna said darkly while her bangs shadow her eyes.


I have to tell you something even if.... even if you hate me afterwards," Law said tightening his hold on Kannas wrist.

Kanna furrowed her brows in confusion. Whatever Law had to tell her must be more important then his plan, considering how tight his hold was on her wrist. His grip kind of hurt and Kanna could tell he was having a mental war with himself.

Kanna slowly sat back onto the corner of the bed while placing her free hand on his. She gave his hand a gentle and reassuring squeeze making him ease his tight hold. She wondered how, whatever he had to tell her, would cause her to possibly hate him. Law looked straight into her eyes once he gained the courage to tell her.

"Your father......" Law starts and averted his eyes away from her and looks at the wall in front of him, "If it wasn't for me he would still be alive."

Kanna stayed quiet, silently thinking to herself. She didn't know what he meant be that. Its not like he had her father killed......did he? No he would have been a child then, unless Law was alot older then he looked. Kanna didn't think that was the case so she waited patiently for him to continue. She wasn't one to jump to conclusions before hearing everything.

Law hesitantly looked back a Kanna. He expected her to be glaring at him but she didn't, instead she rubbed her thumb across his hand in a comforting manor. He could see the confusion on her face so he intertwined his fingers with hers before continuing.


"He used the last bit of his strength to make sure Doflamindo didn't hear my cries." Law finished and glances out of the corner of his eye at Kanna to see her reaction.

Kannas face remained blank, no emotion showed. It made Law anxious. He didn't know what she was thinking. He looked away once more and released her hand. Law heard a soft hiccup come from her, making him quickly turn his head back her. A tear fell down her cheek and she threw herself into his arms. He froze at the sudden action and his hands hovered over her shaking form before he slammed his arms around her tightly. He let the tears he held back fall as he nuzzled into her soft hair, taking in the sweet strawberry sent.

Kanna tightened her arms around Law waist as another hiccup escaped her lips. Law was the kid her father fought so hard to save. Kanna felt Laws chest shake slightly and she rubbed her hand gently across his back to comfort him.

"I'm glad your alive...Law" Kanna whispers.

It was muffled in Law chest but he still heard it. Kanna felt him tense at her words before relaxing once more and he then nuzzles his head into the crook of her neck.

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