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A small group of scruffy looking men slowly and quietly appear out from the thick jungle leaves.  There were only five of then yet they looked pretty confident standing in the middle of all the sleeping heart pirates.

"Alright you three break into their ship and steal everything," The tallest and strongest men, called Barker, orders.

the three scruffy men quickly scurried into the submarine without a second thought.  The boss and his partner stayed and dug through the pockets of the heart pirates.

"She did well drugging them" the smaller and lanky man mumbles digging through Shachis pocket, and pulls out a half naked image of a beautiful women. 

The lanky man quickly shoved the picture into his own pocket while a small drop of blood drips from his noes and moves onto the next person.

"This seems to easy considering this is Trafalgar Law, the warlord's, crew. Keep a sharp eye Rico" Barker said walking over to the warlord and the woman asleep peacefully in his lap.

Barker leans down to get a better look at the sleeping women, "Who is she?  She doesn't have a bounty like the others."

"She's probably just the captains toy." Rico suggested.

"She's cute." Barker grins.

"You said you wouldn't hurt them!" Ikkaku cries grabbing the bigger males arm.

He harshly shoved her to the ground.

"I'm not going to hurt her.  I'm just going to have a little fun with her, you know what I'm talking about~"

Ikkaku shivered at the memories, holding her head in her hands and started crying.  She was to weak to stand up to them not only that but they held her friends captive.  They promised to let them go if she followed their orders, yet they still haven't freed them.  They might kill her friends if she acts out to much.

Barker went to grab the blond beauty but stopped once a revolver was aimed at him, the barrel mere millimeters from his face.  Kanna pushed the gun against his forehead glaring at him. 

Barker chuckles at her, "Calm down little bird."

Law lifts his head up and gives the buff man a mocking smirk. 

"How are you two awake?!" Rico yells and grabs Ikkaku by the arm.

"I swear I drugged their drinks!" Ikkaku panics.


Kanna was about to fall asleep in Law arms when she felt the presence of five men,"Capt-"

"I know thats why I switched out your drink earlier."

"The drink was drugged?!"  Kanna gasps.

"YesI only realized once I took a sit of mine. It was already to late for the others."

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