It's not that bad

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"Nope," Kanna simply refused as she tries to slip passed Law.

Bepo left successfully but Law stopped Kanna by stepping in front of her.  Law raises his eyebrow at her, she just refused his order.

"Kanna it wasn't a request." Law states trying to mask his amusement but Kanna still saw it in his eyes. 

Kanna just looked at Law with her cheeks puffed.  He wanted her to get a tattoo.  He can't just force a tattoo on somone.  Its not that she was against it,  she just didn't like that Law thought he had the right to force one on her.  She was just being stubborn.

"I'm scared of needles.." Kanna said looking to the left. 

She really wasn't scared of needles but she hoped that would persuade him. 

"No you're not."


Law walks around Kanna and picks up the tattoo gun and starts preparing the needle.

"Come here" Law orderd placing the needle into the gun properly then opens the bottle of ink before pouring some into a small container.

"You're really not giving me a choice are you Captain?" Kanna sighs walking to stand behing her captain. 

She lost this argument. 

"Do I at least get to know what you're permanently putting on my body?"

"No," Law teases making the woman behind him groan out of frustration. 

Hearing her groan make him smirk.  He was enjoying this more then he should. 

"Where do you want it?"

Kanna stares at the back of her captains head as a blush creeps to her face. 

Realizing how that sounds and the sudden silence made Law let out a soft laugh.  It seems Kanna has a dirty mind. 

Law puts the gun down and turns around to face Kanna with a playful smirk on his face. 

"So where would you like it Kanna?" Law humms leaning closer to her and cups her face with his hand before placing a quick and gental kiss on her lips. 

Kannas heart skipped a beat and her face grew more red.  She looks into Laws eyes while nibbling on her lip,  she still wasn't used to her captain being so affectionate.

Law chuckles, "Where do you want the tattoo?"

Breaking out of the trance Law put her in she realized what he ment and shakes her head at her own perverted thoughts.

He ment where she wanted the tattoo.....duh. 

She thought for a second.

"My thigh,"  she decides. 

"Alright take off your suit and sit on the bed,  he points to the bed behind him.

He watches as Kanna hesitantly starts unzipping the sipper of her uniform,  he could tell he was making her nervous. 

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