The Date

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Law stood in his room thinking to himself. He had never been on a date before, so he didnt quite know what to do. He slipped off his dirty yellow hoodie and hat.

"I'll just go with the flow," he shrugged.

After she bathed Kanna went to her room, careful to not be seen by anyone. She had forgotten to bring extra clothing into the bathroom with her, luckily no one spotted her. She let her towel fall to the ground and started getting dressed. Since it was a date she didn't want to wear the uniform Law made everyone wear. This wasn't the first time shes went out with Law, she glanced at her revolver after she slipped on her white tube top, she has went shopping with him many times so she didn't know why she was so nervous.  Maybe its because its titled a date? She buttons up her black shorts and pulls on her jacket.

"What are you even supposed to do on a date?" She questioned herself while zipping up the jacket half way.

She glanced at her messy wet hair in the mirror and let out a soft laugh, "Maybe I should do somthing with my hair."

After finishing her hair Kanna walked out of her room and squealed when she almost ran into Law who stood right on the other side of the door. His hand was held up as if he was about to knock.  He blinked at her and she looked at his different attire.  She first noticed his different shirt. He was wearing a dark shirt with feathers around the collar and in the middle was his jolly roger. 'Allways,' she sweat dropped. Her eyes trailed up his torso to his head which was missing his usual hat.

She blinked, "Wheres your hat?"

"Needed to be cleaned." was all he said before motioning for her to follow him.

She followed behind him silently fighting the urge to touch the fethers on the collar of his shirt.

'Cute,' she thought.


The yellow submarine immerged from the water and docked at the island. It was a small paradise island. The air was hot but the gental breeze helped keep you cool. You could see people running around in their swimming suits and floaties ready to swim. The Heart Pirates stood on beck eager to go have some fun. They wanted to see beautiful women and them in bikinis was only a bonus.

Law walked out of the sub and stood behind his crew with a smirk while Kanna stood behind him. He enjoyed seeing his men so excited it made him....well happy. He figured he'd let them enjoy themselves without worrying about gathering supplies, they could do that tomorrow.  Law clears his throat to get the mens attention. They all turn to their captain waiting for their oders. You could clearly see them silently pleading to their captain to let them go and have fun instead of doing chores.

Law chuckles, "Go have fun but dont get into trouble. We will meet back here tomorrow morning, you're free to do as you please till then."

Law and Kanna watched everyone scurry off the sub eagerly. They didnt have to be back until tomorrow morning so they had all night to them selves. Kanna chuckled at the sight of them running away like aunts, she thought they we're so cute.

Law took a look at the island, he was glad it seemed to be an island made for tourist. It would make figuring out what to do much easier, yet he was still compleatly unsure. He glanced at Kanna taking notice in her different attire. She had on her original outfit but her hair is what caught his attention. Instead of it hanging in a messy and loose braid, it was tied in a neat ponytail. Her baings didnt hang around her face untamed but instead it was brushed to the side neatly, Law found himself enjoying the full view of her face.

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