My Heart

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   Law sat at his desk going over the events of this morning.   It was an annoying morning but he had to admit it was quite amusing.  He leaned back into his chair crossing his arms behind his head.  He made a mental note to never get drunk again.  He didn't want a repeat of this mornings events.  He tried remembering all that had happened the night before but it was no use.

"Why would I switch our bodies?" Law mumbles in thought.

Law streaches out his arms and stands up from his spot.  It was probably close to dinner time so he figured he'd go-ahead and go twards the kitchen.


Law stopped and turned twards his night stand when he heard the faint sound of a heartbeat. Why hadn't he heard it before?  He opens the drawer and sees a beating heart placed in the center.   With an amused smirk he picked up the heart. 

"That would explain what  felt off while I was in her body." He humms grazing his finger across the top of the heart.


Kanna stood in her room in only her strapless red bra, her boiler suit unzipped and hanging on her hips.  She remembered Law taking her heart and wanted to make sure she was right.   Sure enough there was a cubed hole in her chest,  where her heart was supposed to be.  It didn't feel that different, only her chest felt lighter and there wasn't a strong heartbeat present.  She could feel her blood pumping through her veins,  which she didn't quite understand how.  

Kanna slipped on her white tube top and zipped up her uniform.  After she tied her hair into a long messy braid she left her room to look for her Captain.  She knew Law probably doesn't remember taking her heart but figured she might as well ask.   She would feel much more comfortable with her vital organ back where it belongs. 

Once she reaches the Captains Quarters she felt a strange sensation in her chest.

"Heheh.......what the hell?!" Kanna giggles at the ticklish feeling.

She continued laughing at the tickling sensation.  She figured someone must have found her heart and was messing with it,  that someone being Law.  She bursts open Laws door making it swing into the metal wall with a loude 'clank'. 

"Ahahhahah!......Law! Haha, " Kanna gasps for air, " S-stop it!"

Law turns around an faces Kanna with a very amused smirk.  He caresses her heart and runs his finger over the top of it again,  making the clumsy girl squeal in laughter.

"And why would it do that? " He asks trying to suppress his laughter.

Kanna charges at Law and trips over her own feet and faceplants onto the metal floor.  Law cringes at the loud sound of her face making contact with the floor, and a soft laugh slipps past his lips.  Her arms spread straight above her head in a failed attempt to catch herself. 

"Dont laugh at me,"  Kanna groans, voice muffled by the floor.

Law crouches closer to the ground,  "You okay, Kanna?" he asked, emphasizing on her name.

"Mmmm." came her muffled response.

She was embarrassed and didn't want to face Law.  He even laughed at her.  She lets out another frustrated groan, causing the raven-haired captain to chuckle.  She lifts her head up to look at him.  She glanced at the heart, that he held his left hand which hung between his legs, then back to his face.  She narrowed her eyes at his smug expression.  He was enjoying much.  She quickly grabbed for her heart but Law simply moved it out of her reach. 

"Damn it, " Kanna mumbles accidentally banging her forehead on the ground. 

Law raises an eyebrow at here,  "You just going to lie there!?"

Kanna hoists herself off the ground and reaches for her heart once more.   Law stood up from his crouching position and held the heart in the air out of her reach. 

"You will have to be quicker then that,"  Law taunts. 

"Your to tall!" She hisses.

Kanna pushes her hand agains Laws chest and grabs the fabric covering it,  her other hand reaching for her heart.   Needing to become taller she stands on her tiptoes, pulling on Law hoodie in an attempt to bring him closer to her.  She failed to notice Law staring at her,  eyes flicking from her eyes to her lips.  He ever so slowly leaned closer to her.  He had the urge to feel her soft lips against his.  Law had noticed he had become attracted to the clumsy girl lately.  His face was mere inches from hers but she was to focused on getting her heart from him to notice.  This was the perfect chance.  Law brought his free hand up to her face and went to close the distance between them.


Kanna had hopped up to reach hear heart but hit Laws noes in the process, causing the man to stumble back a bit while covering his noes with his free hand.  He glared at Kanna silently cursing her for ruining the mood.  She looked up at him sheepishly while rubbing her slightly red forehead. 

"Sorry about that," she said nervously,  "didn't know you were that close." 

Law sighs chuckling then shakes his head.  He hands her heart to her which she takes and holds it in both hands. 

"Ah than-..."  Kanna starts but stops then Law places both hands on either side of her face, "W-what is...mmph!"

Law waisted no time connecting their lips. Kanna pulled her head away but Law pulled her back connecting their lips once more. Kannas heart raced in the palm of her hands and her face became uncomfortably hot.  She felt Law smirk agains her lips and she finally kissed back.  It was short lived and Law reluctantly pulled away.  She avoided eye contact and clutched onto her heart before quickly leaving the room. 

Law wasn't sure how he felt about her running out so quickly.  Perhaps he shouldn't have let his urges take control and kiss her.  He couldn't help it and her lips looked so....inviting. 

"She's not mad at me, is she? " Law softly touches his lips and smiles to himself, "but she did return the kiss."

Kanna leaned against the other side of her bedroom door and slid down the floor to sit on the ground.  Her heart still beating frantically in her hand while the other hand cupped over her mouth.  She cant, she wont allow herself to.   She cant have feelings for him.....but she already does.  She hung her head and looked at her beating heart.  

"I goals come first.  My feelings will only get in the way,"  a tear slid down her cheek and onto her heart,  "b-because I never planned on staying here.... b-but ive already grown attached to these guys and Law."  

She sobs silently into her hand.  Her body shaking with every  breath she took.

"It never happened." she choked.

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