100 Hearts

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    Kanna slowly sat up feeling much better then before.  There was almost no more pain and she wasn't freezing anymore.  She looked down at her torso but saw no bandages or anything so I she assumed Lawused his Devil Fruit abilities....for what ever he did.  Still whatever he did worked and she was glad for that.  Kanna heard a grunt and looked to her right to see a shirtless Law wrapping himself up, or at least trying to.  Kanna has never seen him without a shirt before.  He had more tattoos then she thought.  He has his Jolly Roger tatooed on his back.  She thought he only had tattoos on his forearms and hands guess I was wrong.  He was also more muscular then she thought.  Law was really good looking.  Kannas face grew hot and she slap my cheeks out of embarrassment. 

'He's your captain stop checking him out!' She mentally scolds.

Law heard her smak herself and he looked over ah her with a raised eyebrow.

"I see that your up and feeling better?" He chuckles. 

Kanna nods avoiding eye contact with him out of shame.  He hummed in approval and motions her over to him.  He was having trouble wrapping himself up and wanted her help.

"Would you help me with these?" He asks holding up the bandages.

"Eh?....I....Sure," Kanna fumbles sliding out of the infirmary bed and slowly walks over to Law who sat in a chair not far from her. 

Kanna takes the bandages from his hands and kneels down inbetween his legs.  It was awkward being so close to him and in this position but she shook the inappropriate thoughts aside.  Kanna fought back a blush and started wrapping him up.  She had to lean closer to his chest in order to reach behind him so she could wrap the bandage around his back. 

Law grunted when she did.  He looked down her.  He could feel her warmth when she leaned in and every time she leaned closer made Law more aroused. 

Kanna thought she had hurt him and thays why he grunted.

"I'm sorry if I hurt you...I've never bandaged anyone before." She mumbles and try to keep her voice from shaking.

Law didn't say anything. He was more focused on not losing control.  After a few more seconds Kanna finished and leaned back a little bit to take a look at her work.  She thinks she did pretty good considering it was a first for her.  Kanna moved her eyes up to meet Laws.  He was already looking at her. Their eyes locked and neither could look away.  Kanna rarely saw him without his hat so she never got the chance to look him straight in the eyes like this.  She  never noticed how intense and beautiful his eyes were.  His eyes seemed softer then usual and his features seemed more relaxed.  Yeah he always seemed calm but he right now he seemed more different then usual, it was like looking at another person.  kanna felt him softly touch her cheek causing her heart skipped a beat at the gentle touch. 

"I almost lost you," he breathed so softly that she barely heard it. 

Kanna couldn't move nor did she really want to.  She enjoyed his touch, more then she'd like to admit.  Kanna involuntary leaned her face into Law hand and he smiled.  Her heart raced against her chest and she felt as though she couldn't breath.  Law leaned closer to her and she slammed her eyes shut.  Her breath got cought in my throat.  Law breath graze across her lips.  She waited.....nothing.  Law removed his hand from her face and he mumbles something that she didn't quit hear.  Kanna opened her eyes and saw Law leaning against the chair, glaring at the door with an irritated expression. 

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