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     Law sat at the edge of his bed, hunched over, elbows digging Into his thighs, and hands clasped together with his face resting on top of them.  He stared straight forward at the brightly colored medium sized gift bag on his desk.  The yellow bad had a small letter taped onto the friend of.  He held a deep scowl on his face having woken up alone once again.  This him he was certain.

She had left. She left without a word.  She went against his orders and left!  Law felt many emotions flowing through him.  Anger, confusion, sadness, worry, but most of all he felt betrayed.  The woman he felt he loved is gone.

Law stood up from his bed and walked over to the bag.  He stared at the note taped to the bag and plucked it off angrily.  He flipped open the and looked at the messily written characters.  He almost chuckles at how well her handwriting suits her but he was to angery to allow himself to.

"Trust me." Law read the short note out loud and scoffed. 

He crumbles the paper in his fist and slammed his fist onto the desk. With his other hand shoved into his face as he grits his teeth. 

"Bepo!" Law yelled making the poor bear jump from the other side of the closed door.

His fist hwere eld up and about to knock on the door to tell the Captain breakfast was ready but Hearing his Captain yell he hastily opening the door.

"Yes Captain!?"

Bepo looked over his Captain who had a dark and deadly arura surrounding him.  The Heart Pirate Captain was not happy. 

"What is it Captain?" Bepo asked but he already had an idea.

Kanna had told Bepo her plan when they we're out shopping yesterday and made the bear swear not to tell Law.  Bepo was reluctant to lie to his Captain but Kanna bribed him with fish.  He felt unbelievably guilty now, especially now that he sees his Captain this way. 

"Where is she?" Law spoke lowly, almost sad sounding mixed with anger.

Did he know? Bepo paniced and started fiddling with his paws. He his Captain know he knew?!

"Why did she leave? Did I so something wrong?" Law hung his head letting his hair fall over his face as he bit back his tears. 

"Cap-" before Bepo could speak Law cut him off.

"Gather the crew were searching the Island! ....Now!" Law spoke as his anger built up once again.

Bepo quickly bows and sloppily ran out of the room to give the orders to the rest of the crew.  He knew it was futile. Kanna was already long gone by now.  But his Captain did give him a direct order he wasn't about to oppose him. 

Law glances back at the crumbled mess in his hands and thows the small paper against the wall. 

"You didn't even say goodbye." Law croaks as he stifles back his tears one more.

Law failed to notice the small written numbers on the back of the note.


Elsewhere, a large tourists ship immerses from the ocean.  People smiled and talked amongst one another as the sailed through the ocean.  They were eager to see the beautiful city of Dressrosa.  Twards the front of the ship sat a young woman with messy blond hair.  She leaned against the railing, legs pulled to her chest, and a small snail phone in her palm.  She was anticipating a call from her lover any second now.  She let out a deep sigh and let her arm fall over her knees, the snail phone dangling from her fingers.  Leaving was the hardest thing she had ever done.

"I hope he isn't too mad at me..." Kanna mumbles. 

She knew if she asked him to leave he would just give her the same reaction he gave her when she brought up her plan. 

She smiles softly to herself, "He worries to much."

But he had a right to.  Kanna knew she wasn't the strongest.  She glanced over et her rifle places on the ground next to her.

"I'll become someone strong.... Captain." Kanna whispers, "So I can fight along side you."

Kanna was tired of being a burden who always needed rescuing.  She hoped to gain her Uncle's trust and take advantage of that and become stronger somehow.  But if he doesn't trust her he will kill her on the spot that much she was certain.  If that happens then she'll never see Law again.  She felt a lump form in her throat and she tried to swallow it down.  Thinking about that made her want to return to the Sub but she knew she had to do this.  Sighing she wiped her tear with her free and and sighed deeply.  Now wasn't the time for doubt.

"Goodbye Law."


Yes this is the ending of this book.

Don't hate me!

And yes there will be a second book.

and I want to thank all you guys and gals for reading this book. Regardless if you enjoyed it or not. >.>

And I thank those who where here since the beginning!  I commend your patience!!

I'll try~ not to keep you waiting to long. ;)

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