What are we?

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Humming to herself happily Kanna put the last bit of clothing into the dryer and pressed the start button.   Ever since that incident with the captains treasured hat,  Law decided to put Kanna in charge of laundry.   He said something about her being able to sew and that she's a woman.....she chose to ignore the last comment. 

She turned to the small pile of clean clothing and started folding them.  She was glad she was finally assigned a chore to do.  She got bored sitting around, sometimes tinkering with her guns or occasionally sparing with Ben.  She enjoyed both things but she still had alot of time to herself afterwards and she got bored.   She tried offering help to the others with their chores but they would just blush and tell her not to worry about it. 

After she finnished folding the clean clothing she lifted the basket and walked twards the mens quarters.  She banged the side of her foot against the door three time and waited for someone to answer.

A few seconds passed and Penguin answered the door with a pout on his face but when he saw Kanna on the other side his face quickly lit up.  He then looks down at the heavy looking basket full of clothing that she held firmly in her arms. You could barely see her face behind the pile of clothing, he had to hold back a laugh at the sight.

"Here let me take that for you!" Penguin offered eagerly taking the basket from her. 

Kanna mumbles a quick thank you before spinning on her heal and leaving. 

Penguin shut the door and dropped the basket on the ground before flopping on the bed.  Penguin found the punishment his captain gave him stupid.   It's already been two weeks since the hat incident...yet he was still....grounded.   Law ordered Penguin to stay in his room,  only leaving to go to the bathroom or to eat,  also that no one speak to him or him speak to anyone.  Penguin didn't know how long this punishment would last but the solitude was getting to him,  perhaps that was the point.


"I didn't notice we docked." Kanna mumbles holding her hand above her eyes to block out the sun. 

Ben looked behing him at the front door as Kanna came out, "Yeah it's a uninhabited island.  Captain wanted to do some training."

"Training?  Isn't that what the training room is for?"

"He's training his haki with Bart Jean.  He didn't want to destroy the sub.." Ben laughs. 

"Oh....haki?" Kanna questions. She has never heard of haki before. 

"You've unlocked observation Haki yet you dont know what it is?"

"....."  Kanna shakes her head. 

"Theres three types of Haki... " Ben starts. 

He tells her all the information he knew on haki and she started to understand a little better. 

"Ohh so its Mantra!" Kanna concludes slicking her finger in the air. 

"I dont know what that is.... Oh!  Captain told me to tall you that once you're finnished with the laundry to go look for him on the island."

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