We have a problem [Part 1]

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Law woke up in the infirmary room.  He sat up completely confused as to why he was in there.  The last thing he remembered was Penguin asking if he wanted to play a drinking game.  He figured he must have participated considering his lack of memory.  Sighing deeply he swung his legs over the bed and realized his feet didn't touch the floor.  'odd,' He thought and looked down seeing very feminine legs dangling at the edge of the bed.  Law narrows his brows in confusion.  He quickly hopped off the bed slipping and falling face first into the cold hard metal floors.  Grunting he picked himself off the ground glad no one saw what just happened as he rubbed his much smaller noes.  He looked down taking notice of his much larger chest. 

Then it hit him.  He was in a womans body and the only woman on the Polar Tang was Kanna.  He growled and stormed out of the room in search of Kanna.  He first went to her room but she wasn't in there.  He tried the kitchen, nothing.  Everone was still asleep which Law was thankful for.  He face palmed once he realized he should have just gone to his room first.  He barges into his room and sure enough there his body lie, sleeping soundly.

"Kanna!" Law yelled startling his sleeping forum which fell into the floor as a result. 

He watched as his body sat up rubbing his head with a confused expression.  "Kanna that is you in there isn't it!?" Law yelled again more irritated, mostly at how feniman his voice sounded.  His pride as a man couldn't take it. 

"Wh-what!?" Law heard his body finally speak while pointing a finger at him.

"What the hell's going on?!" His body spoke again looking around the room, "and let's find Captain maybe he can fix th-"

"I am your Captain!" Law sighs.

"What?!" Kanna shrieks in Law's body causing him to cringe at the sound.  It was embarrassing to him. 

"Calm down Kanna," Law sighs for what felt like the hundredth time, "and don't ever scream like that while your in my body."

Kanna flinches at the loudness of Law....well her voice.  She was feeling the effect of last nights drinking and slammed her hand against her forehead.  Law was slightly glad he didn't have to go through the painful hangover but that was the only good thing about this problem. 

"No fair." Kanna mumbles. 

She wasn't the one who got drunk last night but she had to suffer the hangover. 

"Hungover I see," Law smirks slightly and marches over to his desk taking out something that would help with the pain. He hands Kanna the bottle of pills and goes into the bathroom to get a glass of water.  He hands her the glass, "Take one pill and drink this."

She did as she was told poping a pill in her mouth and chugged the whole glass of water.  Law glared down at his body that Kannas soul resided in. 

Kanna wasn't to happy about being stuck in Law's body either.  She found it awkward.  What if she had to go to the bathroom.  She quickly shook her head hopeing this matter would be settled before then.

"We need to fix this." Law growls becoming more irritated. 

Kanna looks up at him anger evident in her eyes, "Don't get mad at me you're the one that did this!" she growls back.

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