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  Kanna groggily opened her eyes seeing a plain metal wall in front of her.   She blinked a couple of times in confusion and tried to move but once she did she felt a pair of arms tighten around her followed by a groan.  She tried to recal last nights memories.  The last thing she remembered was stroking Laws hair while he slept.

'I must have fallen asleep,' she concludes.

She tried once more to sit up but the arm around her weist only tightened around her, followed by another groan.  She then realized thet she was tangled in Laws arms. 

"A little longer."  Law mumbled with groggy voice, which Kanna found sexy.

Kanna tensed but soon relaxed her head back onto the pillow with a blush.  She then grabbed Laws hand, that was wrapped around her weist, and started playing with his soft and slinder fingers.

Law lets out a tired chuckle then nuzzles his noes into her messy hair letting her play with his hand.  He was enjoying her touch and her being so close. She was warm and comforting.


Penguin slowly started walking to the Polar Tang with shaky legs.  He was not prepared to face his captains wrath. 

"It'll be okay buddy," Shachi tried reassuring his shaking friend while trying to stifle a laugh. 

Bed followed behind the two placing his hat back on his head and wiping off the kiss mark from last nights events with a lovely lady.

He already forgot her name... Was it Sara?  Nami?  ...No that was the name of the Strawhats navigater. 

"Nana," Ben said in remembrance holding his finger up but growls when her ran into Shachi who came to an abrupt stop.

"What the hell Shachi!?" Ben wines rubbing his chin where the back of Shachis hed made contact. 

"Dont yell at me it was Penguins fault!"

Penguin stood staring at the subs entrance. 

"Just go already and get it over with..." Ben grumbles crossing his arms in annoyance.

As soon as Penguin opened the door Law stood on the other side,  with a yawning Kanna behind him. All the blood drained from Penguins face at the sight of his captain.  Law stares at his shaking subordinate with his arms crossed and nodachi in his left hand. 

"Penguin," Law starts. 

Penguin instantly fell to his knees at a waterfall of tears fell down his face.  He cups his hands together and bows with his hands shaking in the air. 

"Im so sorry Captain it was an accident! I-I didn't mean to ruin your hat." Penguin pleads.

Law looks down at Penguin with a raised eyebrow.  He had compleatly forgotten about the incident with his hat. 

"I'll think up of a suitable punishment when I get back,  in the meantime you Shachi and Ben tell the others to gather supplies."

Penguin looked relieved and got off the ground wiping the sweat on his cheek. 

The three said, "Yes Captain,"  while saluting. 

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