Barker and Rico vs. Law and Kanna

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Kannas face swung to the right.  Her eyes widen from shock and a red hand print faintly appears on her now burning cheek.  She froze as her brain processed what had just happened. 

"Watch yourself girl," Barker threatens.

She's been punched, shot and stabbed before but for some reason him slapping her across the face felt different.  Not that hurt more, getting shot hurt way more the getting slapped across the face that's for sure.  But getting hit across the face felt like an insult and it angered her. 

She slowly turns her head to glare at the man ontop of her.

He gave her an amused grin, "Aw did I make you angery?."

With her hands now free she mustered all the strength she could to spap him back across his smug face.


"We've got the small guys Captain!" Ben yelled and punches a unsuspecting enemy, "See easy."

Law nods and bolts twards the direction he felt Kannas presence, as well as Barkers.  Law stopped when a man jumped out infront of him.

"Not so fast!" The man snickers.

"Whaaa-Chaa!" Bepo jumps over his Captain and kicks the man square in the face.  The fluffy bear takes a fighting stance as more men run twards them, "I'm sorry Captain I've got this!"

Law continues running down the unfamiliar ships halls and spids to a stop when he saw what looked like the Captains Quarters door.  He cautiously walks up to the door.  Law stops and leans back just barely dodging the incoming spear.  Rico jumps out of his hiding spot near the ceiling with his leg outstretched, intending to kick Law on the head.  Law simply sidesteps Rico and glared at the skinny man, "I dont have time for this, Room." Laws 'Room' circles around half of the ship.

"I already know your tricks Surgeon Of Death." Rico mocks.

"Shambles." Law mumbles, compleatly ignoring Rico.

Law switches himself with Barker.  The first thing Law saw was Kanna laying under him before his face swung to the right.  He felt his cheek sting for a second before getting really warm. Law was dumbfounded.

"Law!?" Kanna cried, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him into her, "I'm so sorry!"

"You know if you didn't want me to save you all you had to do was say so.  You didn't have to hit me." Law smirked agains her collarbone.

"You know it was an accident...."

"I'm surprised.  It actually hurt a little." Law chuckles lifting himself up.


Law grabs Kannas chin and tilts her head to the side to get a good look at the large red handprint on her face.  He felt his blood boil just looking at it, "He hit you."

"It's fine.  You can just kick bis ass for it."

Law smirks darkly and slides off the large bed, "I'll make him beg for mercy for putting his hands on you."

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