Welcome To The Heart Pirates

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Turns out Rayleigh wanted to train Luffy and that's why he came all the way here.  How he knew Luffy was here was beyond Kanna.  Luffy agreed to let Rayleigh train him for two years. Two years! She can't just sit around for that long. That being the case she went ahead and set sail with the Heart Pirates. Kanna didn't want to be stuck on this island for two years and possibly get killed by Hancock.

Kanna shivered at the thought, 'she's a fierce woman.'

"Bye Luffy!" Kanna waved at him leaning over the railing of the sub, "Take care and become stronger!"

The Heart Pirates stood behind her waving as well. Law stood beside her with his sword propped against his shoulder and a smirk on his face.

Luffy waved back, "Bye Kanna!"

His face turned from excitement to worry in a split second and Kanna felt herself begin to fall over the railing. She panicked and screamed on the way down. She closed her eyes and waited.....nothing. She didn't feel the cold splash of water hit her nor the sting of the impact. Kanna opens her eyes and sees Law looking down at her, with that same smirk he always wore, while holding her bridal style. Kanna flushed when she realized what had happened. She had fallen over the railing, thanks to her clumsy nature, but how did he save her without moving from his spot?

'Must be something to do with his strange devil fruit abilities.' she scowls.

"Why do I get the feeling that I'll be saving you a lot?" he chuckled with amusement shining in his mysterious eyes.

Kanna puffed out her cheeks and squirms out of his arms and mumbles a quick, "thank you."

Laws smirk grew, "How many times does that make now?"

Kanna glares at him.

"Mmm Kanna-ya you really owe me alot don't you?" He states smugly tapping his finger on his chin.

Kanna sighs in defeat, "Fine. What do you want from me?"

"Simple, join my crew."

Kanna debates with herself for a few seconds. The man had saved her quite a few times and she does owe him for that. She skimmed through the members of the crew. They all seem like nice enough people but why does he want her on his crew so bad?

"Why?" She decides to ask him.

He shrugs, "I have my reasons. So is it a yes? If not I'll have you thrown overboard."

"Not giving me much of a choice are you?"

He just looks at her smugly, witch Kanna found irritating.

"Fine, I'll join your crew." She hangs her head in defeat.

Law walks over to Bepo, who had fallen asleep, and reclined on the sleeping bear like a chair, "Now that that that's settled let's talk about what we're doing next."

"What is our next move captain?" Shatchi asked, "we're going to the New World right?"

"No, we're going to wait till it is time." Law simply answered.

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