Law vs. Gel

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Kanna finally built up the strength to push herself out of Laws bed.  She had finally stopped crying and Law has yet to return.  Kanna started to worry for him. Was he mad at her? She didn't think that was the case. Maybe he was frustrated?  Kanna found it hard to move. Every movement she made stung. It felt as if tiny needles were digging into her insides and movement only made it worse. Kanna stumbled to the boor and cracked it open. She saw some members running across the hall in a panic.

"Captain's in danger!" One yelled.

"What?!" Kanna whispered.

Kanna saw Ben run by and she grabbed his arm.

He turns to her confused, "You should be in bed lil lady. What are you doi-"

"Where's Captain?"

"You heard. Look you should just go lay down." He sais rubbing the back of his head.

Kanna grab him by the collar of his suit ignoring the pain that shot through her body as she shook him.

"Just tell me!" She growls.

"Okay! okay!" He grabs her arms to make her stop shaking him, "He stormed off the sub awhile ago we didn't know why or where but we just got a call from Bepo telling us Captain was in danger. He said Captain was fighting that weird guy from the village."

Kanna lets go of Ben and starts running twards her room. Ben yelled at her to stop and lie down but she didn't want to.  Law was in danger because of her.  He's fighting that guy because of her! Her anger blocked all the pain in her body as I she bardged into her room. She looked at her rifle that leaned against the table by her bed.  She had finished making repairs on it on the way to this cold island and she was glad she did. She may be physically weak but she had one skill that's useful. Kanna grabs the rifel and head out of her room only to be stopped by Ben.

He gave her a disapproval look, "What do you think you're doing?"

Kanna tried squeezing past him but she was to weak to move the larger male aside. He grabs her by the shoulders to stop her futile attempts.

"Ben I have to do something!" Kanna yells at him and winced in pain afterwards.

The pain was worsening and she started coughing.

"Kanna! You're making it worse, stop moving around!" he clinched her shoulders harder without meaning to.

Kanna was having a coughing fit whole covering my mouth. She could taste blood. When she removed her hand there was blood splattered all over it. Kanna furrows her brows and balls her hand into a fist then looks up at Ben with determination burning in her amber eyes. He sighs knowing that she was being stubborn and he then picked her up.

"Fine where to?" He grumbles, "Captain would kill me if he found out.

Kanna told Ben to bring her to a high place so she could get a good view of the island and he did. He told her Law was somthere North of them so she focused on the direction he had pointed.

"You won't be able see he's to far," he sqints his eyes, "I cant even see them."

Kanna ignored Ben and lifted her rifle up to look through the scope. She didn't care how far Law was she will find him. Looking around the snowy island she could see her crew mates running around looking for their Captain.

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