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  "Alright one more time," Kanna pants. 

Ben chuckles,  "I dont want to hurt you Kanna." 

Law stood at the doorway watching Ben and Kanna spar with each other.  He told Ben to train her because he knew Bepo wouldn't hold back and the others wouldn't dare hit her.  If anything they would just flirt with her or try groping her.  Law smiled to himself when he imagined how Kanna would react to them groping,  then he frowned becoming jealous at the thought.  Ben was the best choice, he wasn't that perverted.  Law would do it himself but wanted to give her space after what had happened a few days ago and he could also tell she was avoiding him.  He found it irritating and didn't quite understand why she reacted the way she did.  She had feelings for him, at least thats what he thought.  She did show all the signs or maybe he just read them wrong?

"Nah Kanna lets call it a day." Ben tells her but she didn't wanna hear it.

"No I.....I can keep going." Kanna groans,  at this pace she'll never improve.  

"I'll take over from here," Law said pushing off the door and walks over to the two.

Kanna snaps her head twards him and quickly turns away with a small blush.  She hadn't noticed he was there till now.  Knowing he was watching was embarrassing.  

"You sure Captain?"  Ben asks uncertain with one hand on his hip and the other running through his sweaty hair.  He didn't know how rough Law would be with her and he knew Law wasn't afraid to hit her.

Law nods, "She knows her limits." 

"Alright," Ben shrugs and leaves the training room to do whatever he wanted which was to get something to eat.  They've been at this all morning and he was hungry.

Law turns to Kanna who sat on the ground covered in sweat and still catching her breath.  She ditched the uniform because she got to hot in it so she was in her shorts and tubetop.  Law never noticed before how much skin the outfit showed and it made him want to cover her up. 

Law smirks down at her, "alright get up."

Kanna hoists herself off the ground and got into the fighting stance Ben had taught her.  She was already close to her limit,  her muscles were burning but she wanted to become stronger.  She was tired of being weak.  Law got into his stance and waited for her to make the first move.   She swings her right fist at Law but he simply catches it and throws a punch at her.   He was fast, way faster then Ben, and Kanna didn't have time to react.   Luckily Law stopped mere centimetres from her face.  She let out a breath she didn't know she held in.

Law smirks at her, "I won't stop next time." 

She nods and he swings at her again which she managed to dodge. She  attacked back but none of them made contact.  It was obvious Law was holding back or els he would have defiantly hit her by now.  They continued throwing punches at each other with an occasional kick.  She felt a sharp pain run through her organs knocking the wind out of her and was sent flying when Laws fist made contact with her stomach.  He actually hit her and it actually hurt. It surprised her but she was glad he did, taking a few hits would help strengthen her.  She lands on the ground with a grunt and Law jumps ontop of her with a teasing smirk.  She tries getting up but Law pins her arms above her, his hands held firmly around her wrists, and his legs on either side of her weist.  

"You okay?" he asked trying to mask his amusement.

Kanna nods panting loudly and her face becoming uncomfortably hot,  "I....I think I'm done now." She turns away from him unable to look at his face. 

Law took notice at the dark shade of red on her face and the fast pase of her pulse agains his palm.  He was certain now that she has feelings for him.  It was as clear as day, even the lack of eye contact told him how nervous he made her.  He enjoyed seeing her react to him like this but why is she running away from those feelings?  Was it because he practicality forced her to join his crew?  Did she feel like a prisoner? No that cant be the case. Law had so many questions but he was afraid of what the answers would be.  She did sail with the Strawhats,  so maybe she was in love with one of them and felt guilty that she had fellen for him?  Law shook his head to clear his mind,  he didnt want to think about Kanna with another man.  It angered him. Law took in every detail of her face before stopping at her slightly parted lips.  He had to resist the urge to taste them again.  Last time was to short for his liking.   Law shook his head and sighed.  He didn't want to make that same mistake again and have her run away...again.

"Lets call it a day," Law clears his head and skirks down at her taking notice at how she still had her head turned away from him.

Then an idea popped into his head and his smirk widens, "If i remember correctly you owe me a date,  right?"

Kannas heart skipps a beat and her head staps to look at Law.  She had completely forgotten about that.  A date with Law would be awkward now.   She cursed her feelings,  they made her nervous around him.  It's worse now that she knows her feelings twards him, but knowing she can't stay only hurt.  If only she found a reason to stay except the fact she Loves the crew and their Captain. 

Law chuckles and gets off of Kanna and holds out his hand for her to take. He got the reaction he had expected. He enjoyed her flushed expression and her rasing pulse agains him palm.  Kanna looked at Laws face then down to his hand before taking it.  He helped her up and they left the training room. 

"You might want to get cleaned up for our date,"  Law teased making the sniper fumble with her fingers.

"We arnt even at an island, Captain, and who knows when we will arrive at one." Kanna said finally getting a hold of her emotions.

"I have a feeling we're getting close to one." 

"Captain," Bepo calls out from behind them.. 

Both Kanna and Law turn to look at the fuzzy navigater and wait for him to continue.  The bear just stared at them saying nothing.  Becoming impatient Law finally speaks.

"Well what is it Bepo?"  Law askes.

"Oh sorry," Bepo hangs his head, "Theres an island ahead we should reach it soon."

"Alright," Law smirks pridefuly and looks at Kanna who crosses her arms and lets out a soft laugh. 

He was right,  he was always right. 

"Guess ill go shower,"  she said walking twards Laws room and waiving at him with her back turned.  

Law just watched her with that smirk he always wore on his face.  He has made up his mind. 

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