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"And this is the woman's quarters." Kanna said opening the door.

"oh good for a second I thought I'd have to share with all the men on this ship," Ikkaku laughs in relief.

Kanna smiles at her and enters the room with Ikkaku following close behind. Ikkaku quickly runs around the room and jumps on each of the beds (except the one that had a sniper rifle on it). She jumps into the top bunk on the far right of the room.

"Alright this is my bed," Ikkaku claims and flips onto the soft bed and sighs happily. "I don't remember the last time I've slept on a soft bed." She snuggles her face into the fluffy pillow, "Ahh I can totally use a good nap."

Kanna chuckles and sits on her bed located on the opposite side of the room. She picks up her rifle and starts tinkering with it to pass time. Not long after she heard Ikkakus soft snoring. Kanna laughs softly to herself.

"Oh shit I forgot?" Ben yells bursting through the door.

Kanna jumps and almost drops her gun on the floor and Ikkaku sits up on her bed and throws her pillow at Ben. he grunts when the pillow hits him square in the face.

"Shut the hell up!" Ikkaku screams.


Kanna leans against the doorframe of the bathroom watching Ben. Turns out Law had ordered Ben to stop procrastinating and finish the bathroom now that theres two women onboard. Ben was in the middle of fixing up the pipes to the bathtub and shower head.

"God fucking damn it!" Ben yelled once water started sewing in his face.

He messed up again and both Kanna and Ikkaku started laughing. Ben rolled his eyes at the two women. There was a reason he didn't finish the bathroom. He couldn't figure out what was wrong with the shower pipe. Ikkaku hopped off her spot on the top bunck and walked over to stand beside Kanna.

"Need any help?" Ikkaku asked smugly with a playful smirk.

Ben looks over at her clearly irritated with her smugness, "What, Can you really help me?"


Law slipped on a pair or baggy black sweat pants that had his jolly roger printed on the right side in yellow. Before leaving his room he grabbed a small towel and put it around the back of his neck to catch the water that dripped from his hair. He felt alot better after the hot shower and washed off all the foul mudd on his skin. Now he was all clean and it felt great.

After his shower Law went to the womens dorm to tell Kanna he was finnisbed and she was free to bathe now. But apon entering he saw Kanna leaning against the bathroom doorway laughing hysterically for some reason. Law casually walk up to stand behind Kanna and saw Ikkaku straddling Ben and pulling his hair. Ben was growling and trying to pry her off of him.

"What!? Just because i'm a women I can't​ fix things?" Ikkaku yelled.

"I didn't say that!!!" Ben growls.

Law found himself amused and let a small smirk grow on his face.

Kanna took a step back and squeals when she bumped into Law making him chuckle. She looks up at him and game him a big grin, "Oh! hey Captain."

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